Tuesday, December 29, 2009

my 2009 wrap-up

As this interesting year of 2009 comes to end, I thought I would do my wrap-up of 2009. In this year, I learned...
  • GREAT friends are hard to come by but I am so thankful of the friends I have in my life. Some have gone away, the TRUE ones have stayed, some have become closer. They truly have kept me sane through this year and made this year so memorable. Friends are so important to me and have become like family. People think they are in my inner circle but they arent even close.
  • Forgiveness is a necessity. I have learned that being able to forgive somebody who wronged you will allow you to move on in your life, giving you peace in your life. After all, if the Lord can forgive me for all my transgression, who am I not forgive?
  • I need closure in my life. Or I will continue to worry about it. I had a lot of open ends in 2009 and I'm glad that they are now closed so I can move forth in 2010.
  • You have to give people a chance. Sometimes I can be closed minded and I just wont give people a chance. I think its because im an introvert. Having conversations with certain people made me realize that we all dont give people a chance and you never know what you can learn from people. Just because a person looks/act different doesnt mean they can add value to your life.
  • INFJ. Introverted. Intuition. Feeling. Judging.
  • Guys come and go. Not gonna say I havent totally given up on them but I'm done with them for awhile. I'm chllin.
  • Love is what keeps me going. And it mainly comes from my parents and my brothers. They are my biggest supporters. I love them soooo much! They give me the confidence I have and support all my antics even my crazy ones.
2009 was not the best year but not worst either. Making my plans for 2010 NOW. Speaking of, I need to get my materials for my vision board. A vision board is an artistic way of displaying one's vision for the year. Trying something new for the new year. Im excited for 2010. I feel some good things coming my way and make some changes for a better life. See ya in the new year!!

♥ A.Erika ♥

Thursday, December 10, 2009

tunnel vision

These past 2 weeks have been kicking my ass! I have 2 tests, 1 project, and a presentation due tomorrow. So you only imagine how the rest of my week has been. Total of probally 10 hours for the entire week. But i can almost see the light. Tomorrow at 4pm!

♥ A.Erika ♥