Monday, January 18, 2010

happy [belated belated] new year

Happy new year! Belated I know. I tried to make it up with this new years photo of Australia ANNDDDD new layout. Gooodnesss!! I cant wait to visit this place and chill with the aborigines. LOL.

But I decided to take a break from blogging to do some reevaluating. I spent alot of my break thinking about myself and the future. I am the type of person who likes to know the result before something ends so I prepare myself. But thats not how life works and i think this is where my problem lies as I'm thinking about my future. I feel like if I was so driven [as many people say I am], I would not be confused and losing sleep about my future. I need to stop worrying about what others think so much and make my decisions based on whats good for me. So i'm slowing developing "back-up plans and not putting all my eggs in one basket" [as my daddy says]

Since this is my first post of new year, it would be fit to post my new years resolutions. But to be honest, I really dont have any....well theres only 2 that i would like to share. The first being is getting reconnected to God. I admit that my relationship with God has definitely faded since I went to school. Being home brings everything into perspective and I have realized that if I want to succeed, I need God by my side because He is the only one who can make a way out of no way. So getting back in good grace with my Lord is TOP priority.

My second resolution could be broken down into multiple resolutions but I like to keep things nice and simple. Too many complications makes my head hurt. But just to take care myself physically and emotionally. Physically....drink more water, take my vitamins, create a workout schedule, get at least 6 hours of sleep. Emotionally...journal more, have more me time. Ive realized I give too much and people take advantage of that because they know i'll always be there, as a result, not enough me time.

So to 2010, I must come out better than what I went in. Welcome 2010! :-)

♥ A.Erika ♥