Thursday, April 29, 2010

everything changes.

"If you just walked away/What could I really say?/And would it matter anyway?/It wouldn't change how you feel..."

Trying to get thru last set of finals of my undergrad career. But drake at syracuse and cruise on the hudson this weekend to relieve some stress....

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

one love.

yea this is hot! Found via kiss my black ads. Designed by Erika Iris Simmons []

Saturday, April 10, 2010

where the f*** have i been?

Welllll i dont even know where to start. So much has happened since the last entry. New goals, new interests ;), new searches for the directions of my life. Life has been good. I cant really complain. So my life within the last month in no particular order....

Brotherly visits - The weekend of March 19th my buddy came to visit. Surprised much?!? It was so good to see him and catch up. We spoke for about 2 hours, reminiscing on the good ole days of RPI and our last spring break's shenanigans. Talking about all those adventures made me realize how much I have loved my college experience. It truly has been a blast!
The next weekend was great. My alpha men came back for the Black& Gold Ball. Those guys from OY have a special place in my heart. They have taken care of me since I stepped foot on this campus and I love them dearly. Friday night was great, chillin at the bar, bros treating us [girls], and a lil dancing at a house party. The picture to the left is probally my fav of the weekend. It shows BSA presidents from 2006 to present. Feel so honored to be apart of great history. Saturday night, the big EVENT was nice! i love getting dressed up. my booskie and I actually came to the ball together. The words and i'll leave at that. LOL

Spring Break - Worked. Slept. Minimal Work. A random roadtrip to bingo. Great times! Pretty much sums it up!

Figuring out my life - Yes I am second semester senior graduating on May 29, 2010 and have NO clue what im doing after. So my parents and I have been going back and forth as to what my post graduate plans are. They are pushing for the military and very adamant about it, while im not so sure about it. And this is when I have my mentor/mama intervention. It seems like I always speak with her before I make a somewhat major decisions and she brings it all into perspective. So now im considering the Peace Corps, working for the state and/or US Embassy. These opportunities will give me a chance to travel [the visit to Australia is looking a lil more closer than I thought]. So im kinda lost but i have ideas on where i wanna go.

Easter Weekend - The best since ive been at RPI. Friday night a friends 21st "easter egg hunt" turned into a game of charades and a discussion of kegeling. *stiff body* inside joke. LOL. :) Saturday my shooting star invited me to her lake house. It was so great to get away from campus. And great food and cocktails! Tres Leche Cake plus cranberry & vodka with lemon! oh em gee! SO GREAT!
Sunday was church! I have been so spoiled in atlanta to have a numerous amount of churches to go with ministries that leave me spiritually fulfilled. Here in upstate NY.....ehh no so much! So when I go to church, I always compare it to my churches back home and there is no comparison. So wherever I move, it is important for me to have a spiritually fulfilling church home where I see growth and growth within me. Then we decided to have easter day was so CLUTCH. within 15 minutes, the itis SMACKED everyone. it was so great that we're doing part 2 in like 2 weeks. it was like a little family and i felt like i was back home.

Two awards - So I received Who's Who Among Student in American Universities and Colleges. Very happy about of 65 students selected from RPI. And thennnnnnnnn....I received an invitation to join the prestigious leadership honor society, Phalanx. The highest leadership award given to RPI students. Since I found out about this award, it was one of my dreams to be inducted. So when I got my letter, I hugged the girl who gave to me, good thing I kinda knew her already. LOL. But the "tapping" [induction] ceremony is this Sunday and I am so excited! Cant wait to join the ranks of the RPI's superior leaders. =)

April the month of Natually Inspiration - So I decided for the month of April, i will not straighten my hair. Tryna be in tuned with my natural state. I want something new! Ive been wild with it too...big curly fros. LOL. Channeling my inner erykah badu/india arie state of mind.Here I am. LOVE it! I am not my hair!

So life has been good! And april is getting better day by day. ;) 2 roadtrips within 2 weeks. Seeing my big sis/bff 6 days before my bday. Hosting for OMSA awards. The events keep rolling in!! =)

♥ A.Erika ♥