Wednesday, December 31, 2014

best of 2014!

Oh hey there! It's been two months since my last post. You know how I do *sigh*. I think I can commit to at least a post twice a month next year. Y'all help me be accountable to that. Managing two blogs is not as easy as I thought.

2014 has been an interesting year. Highs, lows and in betweens. It felt like the year of preparation and realization. Preparing for the next chapter in my life and realizing some thoughts and behaviors that need to be changed.

A couple entries ago, I listed 7 things I was committing to this year and I wanted to update y'all on how I did. I am proud to say I committed to 4.5 of the 7. Lol. I say 4.5 because one won't be done until March. I launched Cultured Mosaic, updated my online portfolio, made (and continue to make) love a verb, still prepping to be Mrs. Ansah and still planning the wedding. The other 2.5 I'm working on. Reading is on my commitment list next year and I really want to not just read but soak up the knowledge in the book to make positive changes in my life. Working out is like a thorn in my side. Lol. But I know I want to be healthy (and look good naked if we're being honest).

I have to share my highlights too. Of course getting engaged is one of the best moments I'll ever experience in my life. Seeing my brother get sworn in as a member of the military. Seeing Lecrae live. Celebrating my birthday with my birthday twin. Seeing Beyond the Lights twice and becoming obsessed. Meeting one of my favorite writers again. Celebrating my one year anniversary with my love. Trusting myself to launch my freelance business. Realizing there is enough room in the world for everyone to have success. Roadtripping to New York and Ohio to see some of my good friends get married. Having a photoshoot with the love of my life. Launching my passion project, Cultured Mosaic. Redefining the meaning of superwoman. Learning to delegate and asking for help. I could go on and on but overall I'm incredibly blessed to have lived to see 2014. 

I am so ready to see what 2015 has in store! I am expecting it to be one of the best years ever. Hope you all have an incredible, productive, and marvelous 2015!

P.S. I can't believe tomorrow is exactly 2 months away from my wedding date. So much to do, so little time. Eeeekk!

 ♥ A.Erika ♥