Tuesday, July 28, 2009

baby imma star....

"I dont wanna stop until I reach the top...."

Oh that song brings back so many memories....my days as a dancer with MSD. Ahhh i miss my dancing days....

Enough reminiscing, I want this....
It's star necklace reminding of my favorite video game, Super Mario Bros. I peeped this necklace at Fly, my favorite art/design blogs to visit. This necklace and many other accessories can purchased at Mock Couture.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Saturday, July 25, 2009

summer plans updates [2]

So here are some of the pictures I have been promising. [My camera finally came and I LOVE it!] These are the official 2009 NSBE/SHPE Career Fair brochures that were sent to corporate companies. Designed by yours truly. Comments, suggestions, opinions are encouraged and valued.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Friday, July 24, 2009

a little humor for the day....

I saw this via NecoleBitchie.com, one of my new favorite blogs. It starts off as a normal wedding dance but turns into a little show. It's too cute. I love seeing black couples in love. Enjoy!!

♥ A.Erika ♥

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

summer plans updates [1]

So its been awhile since I've posted but all is well. Just wanted to give an update on my summer plans.

1. Roadtrip: I haven't done too much traveling since I have been working alot. I have been to NYC quite a bit. I kinda wanna go one more time before I go on my biggest roadtrip of the summer....JAMAICA. Yep and I'm sooooo excited because I haven't been in like 10 years.

2. Leisure Reading: Finally finished Steve Harvey's book. He's so on point with everything and it gets A.Erika's stamp of approval. I'm currently reading: Get Yours! The Girlfriends' Guide to Having Everything You Ever Dreamed of and More. It's written by one of my career inspiration, Ms. Amy Dubois Barnett. She's pretty darn amazing, becoming the first African-American woman to be editor of major mainstream magazine.

3. Assembling my portfolio: I finished my resume and Career Fair brochures. Now I'm working on a newspaper ad and revisions for an autism campaign poster series. Pictures coming soon....since my NEW camera is coming this week. :-)

4. Photoshoot: Scheduling it for next week. Should be a good time. I still need to create a theme/ schedule for it so it can be organized.

5. Blogging: I am definitely slacking on that...3 weeks ago I had my last posting. But I'm back...I promise

Other random plans I didn't mention:

- Working out: I have a steady workout regimen. I have lost about 8 lbs, down to size 6 [dress size], AND can run a mile in 10 miles. I am sticking with it even when I feel discouraged and I'm liking the result.

- Learning about myself: I am always trying to improve my core. This summer I've realized that I do not anybody in order for me to be happy. I thought I would my life would be different with me ending my friendship with my so-called best friend. It is different, in that, I am able to enjoy being by myself and get to know so many people. I am much happier without her being my friend. My mom called it, knowing we wouldn't be friends for a long time and I didn't even believe her but she was right.

Its been a pretty productive summer thus far. I cant believe I have about 3 weeks before everything starts. I am definitely enjoying this summer and looking forward to what happens the next couple weeks.

my final ode to mj

I find it quite interesting when people say u, other people, the media, etc are making a deal about MJ's passing. Comparing it to other deaths saying how the public's reaction isn't the same other influential musical icons such Sinatra, Elvis, John Lennon, etc. First of all, this man is probably the best entertainer of all time. So I think the attention from the media, which hasn't always been good, is just for somebody of his magnitude. He is nowhere near Jesus but he was damn good at his craft.
Second of all, to address the displeasure of people's FB status updates/tweets on MJ's passing. Most of those musical icons died when Facebook, Twitter, and all the other social networking sites were nonexistent. So who's to say that if these sites were available, the public outcry would've been the same.

Again I say rest in peace, MJ.