Tuesday, July 21, 2009

my final ode to mj

I find it quite interesting when people say u, other people, the media, etc are making a deal about MJ's passing. Comparing it to other deaths saying how the public's reaction isn't the same other influential musical icons such Sinatra, Elvis, John Lennon, etc. First of all, this man is probably the best entertainer of all time. So I think the attention from the media, which hasn't always been good, is just for somebody of his magnitude. He is nowhere near Jesus but he was damn good at his craft.
Second of all, to address the displeasure of people's FB status updates/tweets on MJ's passing. Most of those musical icons died when Facebook, Twitter, and all the other social networking sites were nonexistent. So who's to say that if these sites were available, the public outcry would've been the same.

Again I say rest in peace, MJ.

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