Friday, October 23, 2009


So officially hate MIDTERMS. Maybe because they sucked for this semester. I got sick last week and was out of commission for like 3 days, throwing my whole study schedule off and resulting in me not doing well on my tests. It was a wake up call and I needed to start grinding out this work. So grind mode is in full effect. Plus, mama lindo is coming today for family weekend. And I know she will give me the inspiration I need to get through the rest of the semester. Trying to keep hope alive!!

On a lighter note, I scheduled my final interview with the company I really want to work for. And I need to call the travel agent to get my travel itinerary since they are flying me out to DC. This is so exciting for me! I hope it all works out. I want a skirt suit for the interview so we're going shopping this weekend. :-) A lil retail therapy doesnt hurt. I also have an appointment for senior portraits on Monday. It's crazy how fast this year is moving.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Monday, October 12, 2009

Still Recovering....

So these last 2 weeks have been so busy. Its been one crazy day after the other. Last week and weekend my life was consumed by Career Fair. Not just any Career Fair but the NSBE/SHPE Career Fair, the LARGEST student-run career fair in the nation. Not to mention it was alumni weekend so all, well most of my closest friends came to visit. Needless to say it was a fun-filled weekend. Got a couple interviews while enjoying time with my friends. Couldnt have asked for a better weekend. Here's the staff at the Corporate Reception in blue polos! Fresh...big ups to A-team! ;-)

Of course I had no recovery time. And then my body decided to malfunction so I caught a cold. After all, life must not stop as a result of Career Fair and sickness.

A Monday interview with a company that shall remain nameless didnt go to well putting a damper on my week plus preparation for group presentations and projects which were all due on Friday plus an interview with a company I really want to work for plus a malfunctioning body equals STRESSFUL week and fast recovery with a VERY PROMISING opportunity with the company I really wanna work for and midterm break.

So truly I cant really complain because this is how senior year is supposed to be: stressful, exciting, promising, and all the emotions in between.

♥ A.Erika ♥