Wednesday, July 28, 2010

ambitious girl.

all my friends know how i feel about 3 certain rap/hip hop artists i have declared my rap trinity. i love them cuz not only is their flow is sick but i relate to them more than any other ppl in the game right now. wale, j.cole, drake. [in no particular order of favoritism] no matter what mood im in, hearing their music elevates my mood. One good thing about music / When it hits you feel no pain...

Anywho, 1/3 of rap trinity dropped a new song...or joint today called ambitious girl and i fell in love with him all over again. his ability to flow plus his play on words is one of the reasons hes apart of the rap trinity. Go to 2DopeBoys to hear this track. Its worth listening to! His mixtape drops august 3rd. #moreaboutnothing I had to listen to #themixtapeaboutnothing to prepare for the sequel.

and all is right in the world.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

new and improved.

i decided to update my blog just a tad. Give it some character. My logo as the header. im not to sure about it because of the great amount of white space between the heading and posts. im still working it out.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Friday, July 16, 2010

the miseducation of [a.erika]

im at a crossroad in my life. being back home, living under my parents rules is confusing the hell out of me. for 4 years, i was able to come and go as i pleased because i was "on my own." now that i have graduated and returned to live with the parentals. no coming home at 7am, no leaving when i please. must respect the hands that feed me [literally]. that doesnt bother me at all when i want to do something for myself. its ok for me to hang with them late, spend money to buy expensive bras, travel with them to weddings but as soon as i want to do something that doesnt include them, there is a problem. i am finding a hard time to understand where they are coming from SOMETIMES. how do they expect me to learn if i cant make a decision for myself. oh i love how they say ur grown and u can do what you want. but the fact still remains u want me to do it ur way regardless. maybe i will only understand when i have kids and put in a similar situation but im just lost. im trying not to be selfish in my decision as im realizing that my decisions dont just affect myself. yet in this 22 year of living, arent supposed to be selfish. isnt that what my twenties is all about.idk but i feel like...

deep in my heart the answer, was in me and i made up my mind to define my destin

♥ A.Erika ♥

Friday, July 9, 2010

baby food diet.

yesterday was an interesting day for me. i had surgery for the first time: tonsillectomy. They were humongous. my doctor goes, "idk how you sleep comfortably with those large tonsils in your mouth. " Well damn [gucci voice].

Pretty quick procedure, not that i remember anything. but im resting and recovering with mama lindo taking care of me. im trying not to be difficult so she will let me go on my trip. i am praying that i feel at least 85% so she'll let me go. body dont fail me now!

im not feeling that bad, my throat just aches. i can only eating soft foods so i just told my mom to get me baby food. As the bf says, just channel my inner child and enjoy the baby food. *side eye* i'll try!

♥ A.Erika ♥