Tuesday, May 17, 2011

follow up to letting go.

*re-reads letting go post and proceeds to write...*

That post was prematurely written. Like hypothetically written for ideal situation. As if letting go is easy. Especially if emotions are heavy and questions are unanswered.

Questions like is it normal when on a "break" to go weeks without speaking? For some reason that just doesn't seem normal. Maybe it is.

Or who contacts who first while on a break? I believe whoever initiates the break should make contact first. Maybe thats wrong too.

Or was love really felt? Or did you just say it because it was just the "right" thing to say?

Maybe these questions will be answered, most likely they won't. Either way I'm learning to get over it. I guess this can be considered a peace treaty, just waiting for your signature. No more shots. Learning from the mistakes and adjusting my life accordingly.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

twenty three years young.

My birthday was this past weekend and it was lowkey just like I wanted. Plus it was my first birthday home in 4 years during mother's day weekend so I already knew my bday celebration was gonna be with family. Fun ashlee fact: I was ALMOST a mother's day baby. My mom continues to remind me that I missed getting a cabbage patch doll by a couple hours. Apparently all children born on mother's day receive a cabbage patch doll. *shrugs*

first friday with chi. :)
Pre bday celebration began with shopping for outfits for the weekend. Then tackled the hair removal with threading and waxing. Has anyone had their armpits waxed? Good gawd!  My mom had to hold my hand. Lol. Good thing it lasts long cuz I couldn't see putting myself through the pain every 2 weeks which is about as often as I shave. I went out to first fridays and  biz markie was there, looking like a cow whilst he was chewing his gum. No shots. Loved the venue. People kill me in atlanta, its like they act like they too cute/cool to dance. Smh. Saturday [My actual birthday] mama lindo and I went to the spa and enjoyed a nice pedicure. My feet feel as soft as a baby's bottom. Then I went to my old choregrapher's production. Like always, I'm inspired to dance again. Its been 3 years since taking a GOOD class. I miss the stage. I miss being able to express myself thru intricate movements. I miss being able to be sore from dancing all day at the studio. I just miss it all. So I been looking for some classes for the summer. I wanna get those feelings back.

I felt so loved with all the calls, txts/bbms, tweets, and fb posts. Even the fb post from HIM. After 8 months of being in a relationship, then 4 wks of not speaking, a fb post TRULY shows you love someone. Anywho, I really appreciate those who did reach out. Yall are great!!! :)

hello 23!
Mothers day proved to be one of the best in a while, as told by mama lindo. I'd like to think because I graced her with my presence this year. Lol. Nah it was a great family day with many laughs. Even my big bro came out with us. Sad the weekend is over and its back to the grind of job searching. Oh Lord when is it gonna be my turn....yet I'm thankful for where I am. Not tryna seem ungrateful but I'm oh so ready.

Until next time my loves,

♥ A.Erika ♥