Monday, December 26, 2011

pace yourself, ash.

You know when you were a kid and you got all giddy when you’re mom or dad was about to give you something you REALLY wanted? My mom said I used to do this little dance and I actually still do a form of that dance to this day. Lol. Well I get that same giddy feeling when I find opportunities that I can use to prove my skill and abilities especially for my career. I just wanna e-mail all these opportunities and say I can do it! I can do it! Then I find myself overwhelmed with everything because I decided to be superwoman and take on too many tasks. So that’s going to be one of the things I focus on next year is pacing myself. Because I was limited in the activities I wanted to participate due to unemployment, now I want to do everything because I have money of the better resources. But I don’t want to stretch myself too thin, trying to do everything at once.  I am forcing myself to be patient, finish my commitments and do them to the best of my ability. THEN take on another responsibility. Learning to build my empire slowly but surely.

I hope you all had a great Christmas. The fam and I surely did and we have leftovers for dayssss!!!

♥ A.Erika ♥

Sunday, December 4, 2011

um hi.

oh hello there! its only been 4 months since my last post. I took another sabbatical from the blog, not intentional though. It's harder for me to post since my laptop's screen has decided it's not gonna work. Despite technical difficulties, trust, I have been a busy girl. I am now working full-time at big computer hardware distributor. :D When I got that offer call, I was screaming internally because I was working temporarily at a private school. All those internships, pro-bono opportunities, etc have paid off and now I am a working woman!

I've decided to volunteer with the teen ministry at church, finishing up my shadowing process. As soon as I started my shadowing process, I got a call for a women's mentoring program I signed up for earlier this year. I was so elated because mentoring has helped shape who I am today. So our first planning meeting is this Saturday and I am ready to start working. I met with RPI Alumni in October and signed up to be a meeting coordinator for next year. I have photoshoot set up for later this month with my friend and I am hoping to meet with my image consultant so I can be fly for the shoot. And that is just small look into what I have been doing in these last 4 months.

In the midst of all that, I have been thinking about the future of my blog. 2 entries ago, I talked about changes and the changes I intended to make are completely different of the changes I am currently working on. When I started this blog two years ago [geez i cant believe its been 2 years], the intent was for it to be a one stop shop. Meaning I would post personal experiences along with sharing information [like pop culture, design, etc] I thought would be interesting to my readers. As my blog has developed, it became more of my online journal. So in a way, i'm sharing information, but its more personal, penning the highs and lows of my life. Although I love this blog, I contemplated eliminating it because I thought it was TOO personal. But I gave it further thought and decided if I can't share my personal stories and be transparent, then I shouldnt blog. So with that said, this blog is here to stay. But I still want to develop my brand so I have decided to create another blog that focuses more on my career as graphic designer and social media enthusiast. The launch date for that blog is TBD. But I am excited to "birth" another blog. I have all kinds of posts ready to go.

I have been doing much reflecting and assessing these last couple weeks in preparation for my vision board. I feel I'm moving in the right direction. So more updates in the next couple weeks. I have some goodies to share. :)

♥ A.Erika ♥