Friday, September 7, 2012


As a designer, adhering to deadlines comes with the territory so one would think, my personal life would follow suit. But that's definitely not the case. Whenever I set deadlines for something, it seems I hardly get it done. Then I get upset and disappointed. But I fail to realize how busy I really am. With work, church, AIGA, family, friends, freelance work, etc, time seems to slip away. My day starts between 7a-7:30a and I often don't get home until 9:30 (ish)pm. Then I HAVE to entertain my family. If I dont, it's a "subtle" issue. Sometimes I really don't feel like talking to anyone when I get home, but I take my moment in the car to get my energy together and walk in. Yes, gather energy, because if you follow me on twitter, you already know how LIVE my house is on a regular basis. Then foolin with my family means midnight comes around quicker than I can blink my eye. I say that all, not as an excuse, but realizing that while I have these ambitious goals for my blog, I have to be realistic. So my blog launch date is TBA. Launching sooner than later.

But GUESS WHAT?! is LIVE! Y'all check out. It just hosts my portfolio for now but as I'm learning HTML and CSS, I hope to create my site that reflects my brand and my portfolio will be one of the menu options on my site. Next step: get Google Analytics because my site comes up on the SECOND page of google search when I search my name. Other than that, I have a few projects that I can't wait to share so I'm working and staying busy!

Much love,

♥ A.Erika ♥

Monday, September 3, 2012


I think one of my biggest problems is that I expect too much from people. I expect and forget people are human. Humans disappoint. We cant help it. There is something you will or will not do that fall short of that expectation. 

Or maybe the problem is my feelings get really hurt when people do not meet my expectations. 

Or maybe the problem is my expectations are too high for people who CANT meet my them. 

Either way it goes, I am learning to deal with my reactions to the unmet expectations. Not become as affected. It's difficult because I dont want to become numb to people. So I'm realizing there is a fine line to not caring and not being affected. I want to learn that latter because that comes with accepting the situation for what it is and not let it consume my thoughts. Responding rather than reacting. Difficult task but I know I can do it. Just time and prayer.

♥ A.Erika ♥