Saturday, October 20, 2012

but God.

Talking about speaking it into existence.*Second paragraph, first couple sentences* I felt a shift coming in my life, not exactly sure when but I knew it was coming. It started with a call from my mom saying that one of her co-workers' husband was looking for a social media coordinator. ^_^. That was sign that I knew something was up. I sent in my application. That same day I scheduled an interview. First interview went well and was called back for a second interview. The Monday before the second interview I was tipped off that I would be laid off from my then current job. Didnt let that distract me from my second interview.

My second interview came with great difficulty. I left my house 1.5 hr before my interview. Traffic was EVERYWHERE! Interstates, backroads, side streets. I broke down because I thought I was late for my interview at 9. I had to call mama lindo so she could soothe and calm me down. Finally get to the interview, thinking I was late. Only to realize my interview was scheduled for 30 minutes later than the original appointment. But God. I even double checked my e-mail, the interview was supposed to be a 9am, instead of 9:30a. But God. Second interview went well and I waited to hear back from them.

The Monday after the second interview, I got laid off from the job I talked about here. I cried because it hurt my feelings. The next day I decided I was going to go to Digital Atlanta so I could learn more about my passion, social media. That same day, my dream came true and I got a call that I would be the new social media coordinator for the company I interviewed for.

When I tell you God is good!! I have been grindin at this thang for about 2 years and never gave up. Even when I was about to. Even when I was about to sign up for the military and the police academy. My spirit could take that decision. First time I experienced the Holy Spirit like that night I was completing my application to police academy. I told God that I was trusting Him with my dream and that I hoped what He wanted is what I wanted. That my plans aligned with His plans. So its said, so its done. I just completed my first week and what an amazing experience it's been. I saw this on twitter and it pretty much sums up how I feel: They say once you love what you do, you'll never work another day in your life. One of the highlights...seeing Esperanza Spalding and Terri Lyne Carrington play live! These are the leading ladies of jazz and I got to see them for free in an amazing venue, that I happen to work for. Talk about blessings that I dont have enough room to store. God is that great!

Just believe and He got you!

♥ A.Erika ♥

Friday, October 5, 2012

Hello October.

Happy October to you all! It is officially autumn. I love saying autumn instead of fall. Fall sounds so...regular. Lol. Anyways, I am really looking forward to this change in seasons. Literally and figuratively. I feel a shift on its way and I am highly anticipating it.

Tuesday night/Wednesday early morning, I couldnt sleep. I was just up, reading my timeline. My TL has been very inspirational lately and it's definitely great because I will take that over excessive ratchetness.  One of my favorite writers/bloggers was reflecting on her journey to entrepreneurship, I was feeling inspired and decided to do the same. So this is straight from my TL...
 After the talk with , journaling, now catching up with my TL, I am feeling inspired and ready for whatever is next. I'm learning its okay to expect GREAT things especially when I've been working hard the past 2 years. Networking, reading, studying, doing whatever is necessary to become the best ME I can. Proud to say that everything has worked together for my good. Even when I couldn't see the light, even when things didnt go according to MY plan, even when I questioned if I was going down the right path. I still knew something great is in store. Just keep grinding and the fruits of your labor will soon blossom. That's what I kept telling myself and now I see sweet fruit slowly blossoming. Now looking back I wouldn't change my journey because it built my character, forced me to take inventory and most of all love myself, flaws and all. Content? Yes. Comfortable? Not quite. But I'm slowly getting THERE and that's what matters. Life is a cross country race. Highs, lows, but persistence and endurance get you through.
I really had to stop and be thankful for where I am and where I'm going. Celebrate small victories while you conquer the war. That is my new motto. So to the last quarter of the 2012. I am so ready and I'm trying to go out of 2012 with a bang. Who is with me?

♥ A.Erika ♥