Friday, October 5, 2012

Hello October.

Happy October to you all! It is officially autumn. I love saying autumn instead of fall. Fall sounds so...regular. Lol. Anyways, I am really looking forward to this change in seasons. Literally and figuratively. I feel a shift on its way and I am highly anticipating it.

Tuesday night/Wednesday early morning, I couldnt sleep. I was just up, reading my timeline. My TL has been very inspirational lately and it's definitely great because I will take that over excessive ratchetness.  One of my favorite writers/bloggers was reflecting on her journey to entrepreneurship, I was feeling inspired and decided to do the same. So this is straight from my TL...
 After the talk with , journaling, now catching up with my TL, I am feeling inspired and ready for whatever is next. I'm learning its okay to expect GREAT things especially when I've been working hard the past 2 years. Networking, reading, studying, doing whatever is necessary to become the best ME I can. Proud to say that everything has worked together for my good. Even when I couldn't see the light, even when things didnt go according to MY plan, even when I questioned if I was going down the right path. I still knew something great is in store. Just keep grinding and the fruits of your labor will soon blossom. That's what I kept telling myself and now I see sweet fruit slowly blossoming. Now looking back I wouldn't change my journey because it built my character, forced me to take inventory and most of all love myself, flaws and all. Content? Yes. Comfortable? Not quite. But I'm slowly getting THERE and that's what matters. Life is a cross country race. Highs, lows, but persistence and endurance get you through.
I really had to stop and be thankful for where I am and where I'm going. Celebrate small victories while you conquer the war. That is my new motto. So to the last quarter of the 2012. I am so ready and I'm trying to go out of 2012 with a bang. Who is with me?

♥ A.Erika ♥

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