Sunday, January 27, 2013

inauguration and ladies lunch.

Currently: Laying in the bed SICK, trying to get better because I can't afford to be sick. So hence forth, I should use my time wisely and blog, RIGHT?! I really have a problem with staying still. I should be sleeping or resting but I did that for 5 hours already today and in my mind, that's enough. Probably not though. This year I promise to rest more. It's one of my goals for my vision board, which is still incomplete. Don't judge me though.

The Lindos at the Inauguration 2013.
Anyways, last week around this time, I was sitting in Longhorn's Steakhouse in Laurel, MD, eating dinner and watching the Ravens BEAT up on the Patriots to make it to the SuperBowl, while in full anticipation of the next day: President Obama's 2nd inauguration. While my family went in 2009, I was glad to join my family and other Obama supporters for this momentous occasion. I really cannot explain the experience being there on the National Mall amongst thousands of hopeful and excited people. People from all walks of life. Black, white, asian, indian. Handicapped. International residents. All there to celebrate. It was just....AMAZING! I am so glad that I got to see with my own 2 eyes, Uncle Barry and Uncle Joe taking their oaths. Auntie Shelly slaying with her outfit and laid hair. My cuzzo, Malia and Sasha, killin it in their poppin pea coats. It was a sight to see and proud to say I witnessed it in my lifetime.

Yesterday, I hosted a lunch. At my parent's house. For some of my closest friends in Atlanta. And it was a success, better than I could have ever anticipated! At first I was nervous because I have done anything like this before. Inviting my friends to meet my family. I am SO protective over my family and don't allow just anybody to come to my house because I feel like I am exposing my family. But everybody was just comfortable. Started off with being a ladies lunch but Papa Lindo decided to crash like the White House dinner crashers. Lol. Jamaican food, MANY laughs, family, friends, and CamiCakes is the BEST way to sum up the afternoon and it was a LOVELY combination! I want to make it quarterly event. Hopefully I can have my NY and DC besties come down for one! That would be AWESOME!

♥ A.Erika ♥  

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

2013: Year of Focus

Happy 2013! As always my new year's post is always delayed. I took the pics above on New Year's Day while watching the Rose Bowl Parade (My new year's day ritual) with all intention of posting later that day. Ehh not so much. Only 16 days into 2013 and my life has been hectic/busy/full/eventful. I still have not done my vision board for this year. I just feel burned out which is odd because you are supposed to feel refreshed for the new year. And to be honest, I just did not feel motivated enough to get my goals on paper for this year. And I thought I was the only one until I read a recent post from one of my new favorite blogs. But everyday, I am feeling renewed and by the end of the month, I will finish listing my goals for this year and do my vision board. I'll even share it.

Every number has a symbolic meaning. The number 13 means chaos and confusion, which I am definitely feeling already. Ironically enough, my pastor declared, FOCUS, as our theme for this year.  Perfect theme. Not allowing ourselves to be distracted by the things that keep you from the goals. Or not allowing ourselves to be distracted by the things that are not priorities. I already had to turn down some great opportunities because I had to set my priorities. And I feel good about my decision. So I encourage you all to decide what's important and FOCUS in the midst because the distractions are coming so be ready! I hope great things for my readers this year!

♥ A.Erika ♥