Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Quarter of a Century + 1

Today is my birthday. Shoutout to fellow Tauruses! Lol. Birthdays have been difficult for me to celebrate because something always gets in the way of my celebration. Almost every year I compete with Mother's Day, then when I was in college, my birthday conflicted with finals. All of these conflicts caused me to avoid celebrating. But I decided last year I would celebrate in some way or fashion. My birthday is also an reflective time for me. Much like New Year's is the beginning of a journey, my birthday serves as my New Years. I get to look back within the last year and see how much I've grown and what has transpired. This time last year, I had extended my birthday campaign to May 31 and I was hosting this big dinner for myself and some of my closest friends. I was so nervous, even though about canceling it because I thought nobody would show up. It happened and I had a wonderful time plus I was able to raise over $1000 for autism. I actually has a post written about my birthday last year but I never posted it. I gotta stop doing that. I have 3 or 4 posts in drafts that need to be posted. Sigh. 

So 26, huh? How do you feel, you may ask? Can I be honest? I feel lost. At times. Like am I doing things right? How do I transition in this new role as a wife? How do I communicate in a calm manner that I am frustrated rather than spaz out on my babes? Why is God making me struggle? In those moments of being lost, I'm reminded to focus less on being lost and more about progress. Even though I focus on the how, God just says trust me, I got you boo. I'm learning to let go of control knowing where to go because God ultimately knows where I should go. After all, His plan is better than mine will ever be. Along with trusting God, less thoughts and talking and more doing. I know God's got me but I have to do my part. Faith without works is dead. One of my favorite entrepreneurs said, You have to DO in order to BE. I am still soul searching for my goals for my 26th year but once I set them, I'll share! 25 was by far the best EVER! And I know 26 has much to offer! ;)

♥ A.Erika ♥