Monday, June 30, 2014

Design Chronicles 002: I'm Officially Freelancing

Yes you read that right. I’m accepting clients. I mean I feel like it’s time right. This is my first step in my hopeful entrepreneurial journey and it’s only right that I share it with my blog readers. I know I discussed freelancing about 2 months ago but I really didn't do much to promote myself nor did I have a plan. I went back to the drawing and came up with a plan. Now it's time to execute. Lol. It's funny how focused you can be when you make up in your mind to commit to something. If you need or know of someone that needs design or social media services, be so kind and share my information.
p.s. after reviewing my old posts, I never told the engagement story. *covered eyes emoji* That's the next post. promise!

♥ A.Erika ♥

Sunday, June 8, 2014

One Year Down.

The last weekend in May, the babes and I celebrated our first anniversary! I had been counting down the days all week and couldn't wait for Saturday to arrive. This is the first weekend in a LONG TIME where we didn't have anything planned and it was glorious! Although he had to work that morning, I decide to make him brunch and he was so surprised! Steak and eggs with roasted sweet potatoes. I got SKILLS! Lololol. We were supposed to look for some furniture after brunch and I was like can we just relax. And that's what we did. He went into his nothing box and played his new game while I worked on a project for a client. I found myself rooting for him and became his second pair of eyes while he was playing. When he advanced to the next stages, I would slap him a high five! I'm so corny! Lololol! We then went to one of Atlanta's finest restaurants, Chops Lobster Bar, for dinner. Dinner was AMAZING! Like from our favorite drink (Moscow Mule) to the calamari to delectable crabcake! Twas delicious! We'll be back. Afterward, we went to Cafe Intermezzo, where we had our first date, for dessert. We laughed, people watched, and talked about our relationship. It's truly a blessing to be spending the rest of my life with him. This road to marriage has not been easy. Many 'gifts' along the way but we always go back to remind ourselves that we are on the same team. Every day there is something new to learn about him, our relationship and myself. It's always inspiring and humbling when people say that we give them hope for love. We're both like we don't know how because we are struggling ourselves. Lol. But even when it's difficult, through the tears and the tough conversations, we push through because we have agreed that we are NEVER giving up on each other. And the essence of love.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Monday, June 2, 2014

40 Day Blog Challenge Recap

I promised a recap of the challenge and here it is. I started this challenge because I wanted to commit to something for an extended period of time. I was tired of saying I would do something but carry through with it. Finally I decided to start with something small as a way to carrying through on my word. Hence the blog challenge. It started off easy because I had topics/posts I wanted to share but towards the middle I kinda got stumped or I didn't feel like blogging. But I push passed that. I wanted share a couple lessons from this blogging challenge:
  • I missed a couple days during the challenge and it bothered me because I felt like reneging. Anybody who plays spades knows that feeling when you or your partner reneges. Lol. I digress. But I decided to not to beat myself up about it but make sure I was committing to the next day. Life happens and some of the best memories don't have to be captured and broadcasted. It encouraged me to live and enjoy life!
  • Blogging everyday is difficult when you work full-time plus have a schedule after work that's crazy. I found myself typing my post like at 11:45 at night hurrying up to make my scheduled daily post. I understand why content calendars are important. I think I'll implement a schedule for my other blog, whenever I get a chance to revisit it.
  • Have fun with the blogposts! I shared some personal and also silly stories about myself and I loved the balance. Expect that to continue. 
  • People love reading the blog! I really didn't anybody would care but they really were interested and that was satisfying. Knowing that a post was reaching someone even if it was just one person was motivating enough to keep blogging. 
Blogging is fun! There's so many opportunities I have with enhancing this blog and excited about making some changes!

♥ A.Erika ♥