Tuesday, August 3, 2010

blacked out.

yesterday i was really excited that i could complete my orientation, which meant i could start my internship very very soon. My body had something else in mind tho. I didnt complete orientation and ended up in the ER. They all kinds of tests but i was just fine. possibly a tad bit dehydrated. im kinda tired of being sick/going to the doctor. this whole being sick is for the birds.

wale and jcole in concert together in 3 weeks?! i must go but i dont know where that $20 is coming from. *sidebar: more about nothing came out today and it probally one of the best mixtapes ive ever heard. download it here.* but i gotta find it cuz i HAVE to go. this would mean i would complete my goal of seeing my rap trinity in concert before 2010 ends. i gotta find a sponsor.

we're having a mini family vaca this weekend. we out to philly and nyc. i am convinced NY will be always be my second home. i have so many ties there. but im excited for this adventure.

♥ A.Erika ♥

1 comment:

  1. Awww Booskie stay healthy and yes NY is a home to many because of the ties and relationships hope all is well i will give you an overdue fone call soon

