Tuesday, November 9, 2010

commercial debut.

hey hey hey my loves!! This past month has been interesting...I went from just having an internship to having a total of 3 jobs. At first, I was overwhelmed at possibly working every day but I had to quickly reminded myself its what I had been praying for since july. Now that I have an income, I can fully divulge my attention to a full time search. I'm actually going to a sports and entertainment career fair on Thursday. All the major and minor sports teams in Atlanta will be there along with a couple of marketing firms. I was a little reserve about paying but my BFF said I really had nothing to lose so I am hoping to make some contacts and eventually get a job.

So last month I shot a commercial for the hospital's monthly campaign with Atlanta Health Experts. I played a cancer patient like timmy. [inside joke...LOL]. I didnt think I would make the cut but to my surprise last week I found out I had made my debut. A lady in the lunchroom said she saw me on TV. I was so confused, nervous even. But mama lindo has to remind me of my cameo. Since then people have called my mom ecstatic saying how happy they were to see me on TV. Its ironic that I have yet to see the commercial on TV. These past couple nights I have been exhausted and although the intent to try to see myself was there, I am still unsuccessful. I hope to see it soon. For those who dont live in atlanta, here you go. Enjoy!! =)

♥ A.Erika ♥

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