Monday, January 17, 2011

happy new year.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Im only a few days late just like last year. Its been a great year thus far. Only 16 days in and its been great? sounds cliche but it really has. My last entry, I was battling with some decisions as far as my career goes. I was going back and forth with God, confused about what I should do. After many nights of praying, I have decided to go with my heart and I feel so relieved about it. Sometimes we make decisions just to silence others people but in turn we hurt ourselves. I refuse to do that so if its just me and God fighting this thing, Im ok with that. So with that said, I have been sending out applications and I have 2 leads so far. *happy dance* So im believing great things for this year. 2011 has great things for me...I feel it! =)

♥ A.Erika ♥ 

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