Thursday, June 2, 2011

guest post: almost doesnt count

my little sister is one of the best writer i know. the way she able to articulate her words on paper is quite impressive. i've always told her she should do greeting cards but she brushes me off and laughs. and now that she's older, im tryna persuade to do some freelance writing. i'm telling yall the girl has talent. anyways, born on the same day, exactly four years, we often share sentiments on school, guys, love, etc. she recently wrote this tumblr post about being heartbroken.So beautifully written in a way i could not attempt to write.  While i read it, i felt her pain. So I figured i would share. [disclaimer: its a tad bit lengthy but a good read nonetheless...]

almost doesn’t count

you ever meet someone and feel an instant connection? it’s like there’s a force literally driving you closer to them. you end up in their arms after only your first time meeting and your heart is at ease. you’re not nervous, nor afraid…everything is just familiar. it’s almost like you have known them for forever. in only a few hours of conversation you feel as if you know each other inside and out…nothing could break this bond you all have.
hours turn to days, days to weeks, weeks to months and before you know it they’re the first person that crosses your mind in the morning and the last voice you hear before you close your eyes. the sun rises on their every word and sets with every touch. you reveal secrets that have never been shared, stories that have never been told…expose pieces of your soul that have never seen the light of day. you can’t call it love because that word alone doesn’t do what you all share justice. it’s more. when they say they would never hurt you, you believe them. because you trust them, like never before.

can you pinpoint that person in your life? i can. i know him…well, i knew him. because he is no longer the same person in my eyes. peering over the edge of the cliff, i was about two steps away from falling for him. i was almost there. the trust i had in him is broken and it’s something that will never be fixed. repaired? maybe. stitched? possibly. restored? not likely. healed? never. there’s no way we can be what we once were or what we had potential to be. boxed in by a friendship that could have blossomed into something beautiful…

needless to say the connection we have could outlast infinity. what we know about each other will not vanish with one mishap and there will forever be a place for him where it matters most. the words are still ringing in my head. a request for me to stay. but in staying i would be accepting the fact that hurting me is something my heart can withstand. this is not the case. i could have taken it from anyone but him…not him. i believed in him, all the way…more than i have ever trusted in any one person. and he let me down. although unexpectedly and unintentionally…he still let it happen. he let me get hurt. one more spot that won’t come out…perfectly stained on my heart.

mhm. dat girl good. lol. if you are on tumblr, check out her stuff ---->

♥ A.Erika ♥

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