Tuesday, March 19, 2013

paces in maturation.

I had a convo with my big sis on Sunday and she said something that I've been thinking about since then:
 Everybody matures at a different pace and I've learned to be okay with that.
 I had an ah-ha moment later. I was thinking about this campaign I'm working on (more details later) and as an extension of those thoughts, I thought about my friends and how great they are. (and how my prayers have been answered.) Each one has their struggles yet that doesn't make them any less friend worthy than the other. It just means that their journey is different from mine or my other friends. And as they are struggling, I have to continue to support and be patient with them as God and they were (and still are) patient with me. Cuz the Lord knows how stubborn I can be. Lol. A true friend is there in the valleys with you and then celebrating with you on the mountaintop. So thanks big sis (I know you are reading this. LOL.) and I really appreciated our impromptu convo on Sunday! :)

♥ A.Erika ♥  

Friday, March 15, 2013

My struggle with [professional] titles

Last week I was called Social Media Queen. I cringed. I cringed everytime somebody calls me guru, maven, etc. All those words scream mastery of some sort. And I am not a master. Not yet. Not sure I ever will be because it's ever changing. But it bothers me that people refer to me as that. Because I don't see it. I see myself trying to catch up on learning the [arts] culture, stay current with trends and such, and forsee the future with new changes. It's a difficult task. I'm currently struggling. Sometimes I feel myself sinking. Like the world is speeding past me and I'm standing still because I'm in awe of its pace.

I don't like unearned titles. Unearned titles gets people in trouble. When you start to think TOO highly of yourself, you begin to become untouchable, unrelatable, unbalanced. That false sense of security comes crashing down because you begin to think you cannot be replaced. And at THAT moment when you feel unreplacable (yep I made that word up), is the time you get replaced. I don't consider myself a maven, guru, know-it-all because there is still so much for me to learn. Hell I'm only 24! However, I'm learning to accept the respect people have for me because I'm knowledgeable in a subject that are not THAT familiar with. I saw this quote on Twitter and wished I could have faved it so many times, "The hardest lesson we have to learn is believing in ourselves as much as others do." True story.

♥ A.Erika ♥  

Monday, March 4, 2013

NYC Trip Recap: The weekend of getting chosed

Last weekend I decided to take a trip. A trip to NY to see my friends as well as celebrate my booskie's chapter anniversary. The plan to bring everything all together was seamless, so smooth that it was meant to be. Instead writing my paragraphs I decided to hit the highlights of my weekend in outline form. Quicker to read anyways. LOL!
The weekend consisted of: 
  • Screaming and hugging my BFF, after not seeing her for 3 years and leaving my suitcase in the middle of LaGuardia traffic. But my BFF grabbed my luggage after our greeting.
  • Roadtripping to my campus with my sister, Booskie, best friend. Perfect blend.
  • Greeted from the bros who I hadn't seen in a LONG time.
  • Officially declaring the weekend, the weekend of getting chosed. Official songs were Pour It Up and Started From the Bottom.  See tweet below.
  • Breakfast with my shooting star and child (STARR Weekend baby).
  • Listening to the accomplished bros on the panel share their professional experiences and of course I live tweeted the event. GREAT advice!
  • Purchasing some cool stuff RPI para for my desk at work.
  • Getting ready with my girls (and Booskie) and looking glam. Then walking into the event, feeling and looking amazing.
  • Being announced as a judge (for the Ms. Black and Gold pageant) and escorted by my Booskie to the judges table.
  • Learning about the black history at RPI and how those paved the way so I can that I could become an alumna of RPI.
  • Speaking with a faculty member about the future of minority life at RPI and discussing my interest in helping.
  • Hearing our RPI president speak, first black president of the institution and very noteworthy. She spoke about her dedication to the students and that her thoughts are always with the students of the minority community. One thing that resonated with me is one thing she regrets is not spending more time with students especially the minority students. It was awesome to hear her say that.
  • Turning up with my besties and sis! Introducing my sis to her phirstpham. Enjoying good company. Going to bed at 5a, just short of sunrise.
  • Zooming down the freeway to make my flight in the NIC of time. 
The hardest thing was saying goodbye to all my friends. Going our separate ways. Not knowing when we'll all be together in one place again. Sucks but I'll have to say it was the BEST $270 I've spent to make [more] memories that will last a lifetime. Spending time with my loved ones is so important to me and I'll have to say I'm SO glad I made the sacrifice to go. Learning to live with no regrets.

♥ A.Erika ♥