Friday, March 15, 2013

My struggle with [professional] titles

Last week I was called Social Media Queen. I cringed. I cringed everytime somebody calls me guru, maven, etc. All those words scream mastery of some sort. And I am not a master. Not yet. Not sure I ever will be because it's ever changing. But it bothers me that people refer to me as that. Because I don't see it. I see myself trying to catch up on learning the [arts] culture, stay current with trends and such, and forsee the future with new changes. It's a difficult task. I'm currently struggling. Sometimes I feel myself sinking. Like the world is speeding past me and I'm standing still because I'm in awe of its pace.

I don't like unearned titles. Unearned titles gets people in trouble. When you start to think TOO highly of yourself, you begin to become untouchable, unrelatable, unbalanced. That false sense of security comes crashing down because you begin to think you cannot be replaced. And at THAT moment when you feel unreplacable (yep I made that word up), is the time you get replaced. I don't consider myself a maven, guru, know-it-all because there is still so much for me to learn. Hell I'm only 24! However, I'm learning to accept the respect people have for me because I'm knowledgeable in a subject that are not THAT familiar with. I saw this quote on Twitter and wished I could have faved it so many times, "The hardest lesson we have to learn is believing in ourselves as much as others do." True story.

♥ A.Erika ♥  

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