Tuesday, March 19, 2013

paces in maturation.

I had a convo with my big sis on Sunday and she said something that I've been thinking about since then:
 Everybody matures at a different pace and I've learned to be okay with that.
 I had an ah-ha moment later. I was thinking about this campaign I'm working on (more details later) and as an extension of those thoughts, I thought about my friends and how great they are. (and how my prayers have been answered.) Each one has their struggles yet that doesn't make them any less friend worthy than the other. It just means that their journey is different from mine or my other friends. And as they are struggling, I have to continue to support and be patient with them as God and they were (and still are) patient with me. Cuz the Lord knows how stubborn I can be. Lol. A true friend is there in the valleys with you and then celebrating with you on the mountaintop. So thanks big sis (I know you are reading this. LOL.) and I really appreciated our impromptu convo on Sunday! :)

♥ A.Erika ♥  

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