Sunday, September 26, 2010

mission statement.

A girl was just a lil emotional wednesday night. Today is a new day and im much better.Thats the thing about has its ups and downs. And im learning that its ok to be down because it wont last always and it makes you appreciate high.

today i went to the crowned jewels [women's ministry] breakfast and as we signed in, we got a worksheet and it said "reaching you highest potential in hard times". I was like after the emotional week i've had, i def need this in my life. the speaker, Dr. Cage, spoke about the 5 P's: purpose, present, posture, plan, people. Im like wooo Lord you are tryna teach me something today. When she discussed plan, she said we need to develop a mission statement. Mission statement for companies are the ideals in which a companies is founded. It states the purpose of the company and helps to guide them when the get off track.

I then thought maybe this is what my life is missing...a mission statement. A statement that will state what i would like my legacy to be and serve as reference guide to the decisions I make. Everytime I make a decision, i should question it saying do this line up with my mission statement. Something that will keep me focused! So I know I talk alot about doing something and nvr quite finish but this is imperative that i complete. Maybe tomorrow since some of the major distractions will be gone.

this post is definitely more positive than the last one!

continue to live your life and one day we'll run this my booskie! one of the greatest big bros a girl could ask for! :-)

♥ A.Erika ♥

1 comment:

  1. Just like the Eagles and Chickens story remember WE ARE EAGLES FLY HIGH!!!
