Friday, December 21, 2012

Lessons Learned from 2012 [Part I]

I've never done this but I felt compelled to write about the lessons I've learned this year. It's going to be a 2 part series because expanding on each lesson could be an entry within itself. And I don't want you all to read essays for an entry. Here's my list:
  • Pour (Invest) into your life what you want to come out - I learned that if you continue to pour/feed/invest into your dreams, they will come true. This year I received my FIRST (of many) jobs in social media. It felt so good, and still feels good, to finally start my career in my passion. My dream of a career in social media started way before I got this job. Actually, I finally realized it in June 2011. Actually I realized it before but in June is when I actually said I would be serious about it. I worked hard. Connected with people who wanted to meet with me. Had informational interviews with people I admired. READ and READ and READ until I fell asleep on my computer about social media and how it's used for business practices. Went to social media events (even by myself) to meet people and network. Shadowed some social media professionals while they worked. I wanted it THAT bad. Finally a year later my dream came true. When you work hard, you will be rewarded. Not necessarily immediately but in due time. A career in social media is what I wanted so I poured into my life the things that would help me get there. Where do you want to go? What do you want to achieve? What are you pouring into your life to get THE life you want?
  • Be careful of WHO you allow in your space - Some people are just not good for you. Not that they are a bad person but not right for you.  Develop a discerning spirit. You are indirectly affected by the company you keep. The results of their actions could change your life forever. Know what your boundaries are and what lines you cannot cross. Don't be afraid to end a toxic friendship/relationship because of future's unknown. The future may hold something much better if you just release that person is not for you. Remember zero is greater than negative one (0 > -1)
  • LISTEN to God - I learned this lesson the hard way recently. When He speaks (if He speaks to you), PLEASE listen. Don't ever think you can convince God after He's made His decision. Remember He created heaven and earth. I'm pretty sure He knows what He's talking about. Doing the opposite of what He says is blatant disrespect. He speaks to us all, believe or not. People call it your intuition, I (and most Christians) call it Him speaking the through the Holy Spirit. (If you have questions about God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, let me know.) Take heed to that funny/uncomfortable you get. That is your protection. When you ignore it, that's when emotional pain comes, because you were ignored the protection. Most situations that cause the most pain are emotional but there are ALWAYS warning signs. We tend to ignore them though. Save yourself the pain because like my friend said, "it is ALWAYS the things you can't touch that can hurt you the most and the hardest to heal". And if you can make the decision, difficult as it may be, to be protected, why not make the right choice? 
I kinda lied about it being an essay. I hope you made it through. Woo those were some intense lessons to learn this year but I know that it's all a part of my process to be great and be the best me for me. What lessons have you all learned this year?

♥ A.Erika ♥  

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