Wednesday, December 5, 2012

my scare

I had scare recently and made me evaluate my whole life.

My mom called me one day saying her mammogram results came back irregular and had to get further testing. Waittt whatttt? Messed me up for the whole day. I couldn't focus for the rest of the day. See my mom is my ROCK. But to be real, I don't always treat her the way I should. Because you know mom is ALWAYS going to be here. Or at least that's my thought process. But the thought of her developing a life-threatening disease got my attention loud and clear. This past Monday she had her follow-up testing so I made sure that I was there for her. I couldn't allow her to face something like that alone. Because she is ALWAYS there for me.

And thank God, everything is fine but it made me realize that you cannot take people for granted. Let people know how you feel while they are still here. Good or bad. Because you NEVER know when it will be time for them to check out. You don't want to hold in/back feelings that should have been said weeks, months, years ago. Say what you have to say and release it.

Even though she gets on my nerves, that's still my mom and I'm glad she's still with me.

♥ A.Erika ♥ 

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