Sunday, December 30, 2012

Lessons Learned from 2012 [Part II]

Heyyyy! I hope your Christmas and rest of the holiday has been a blast for ya! I'm back for Part II of my Lessons Learned series. If you missed part I, you can read it here. Let's get into it...
  • Life is TOO short - I am thankful to make it this far, knowing that some people didn't. From musicians to classmates to wee little first graders, their presence will definitely be missed and their memories will last for a lifetime. I found myself questioning God like why those babies or this person? But then I realized that they have served their purpose on Earth. Also, to use their lives as inspiration to get my life together. I know I take things for granted but I'm learning to prioritize what's important to me. Saying 'I Love You', having ladies night with my friends, spending an entire day with my little brother, Sunday movie trips with the family, reconnecting to old friends and distant family. When it's all said and done, you cant take those material stuff with you. Spend LESS time with 'things' and MORE time with loved ones.
  • Receive Love - Sometimes I feel that we block good things that come to us because we do not consider ourselves worthy. I realized if you do not create a space to receive something, it's VERY difficult to receive it, if you do at all. This year I learned to receive my little brother's love. He's very expressive and that came across as overwhelming to me. But that was an internal issue I had to deal with. Who doesnt want to feel genuine care and affection from their siblings? I had to check myself and learn to embrace it because everyone is not as fortunate to have a close and endearing relationship with their siblings.
  • Work on Self - Ms. Houston (RIP) said it best, that the greatest love of all is love yourself. With loving yourself, you identify things that hinder you from being your best self. For example, I had to learn to forgive people who hurt me. I've heard forgiveness is for YOU not for the person that wronged you. That is oh so true. Forgiveness is a process but each day I'm trying to forgive. And it's liberating to be completely free from someone who wronged you. One of the best feelings in the world. Additionally, as I'm working on myself, I learned to change my mentality. Have a more positive and encouraging outlook on life. It's amazing when you start to thinking more positively about life, your actions will reflect that. Let this quote marinate: “Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”
  • Give - The more you give, the more you receive. Whether it be time, money, love, ideas, etc. Picture this: If your hands are full with something, it's difficult to receive anything. It also feels good to give. 
These are my biggest lessons for 2012! What a year it's been! Like always, I am forever grateful for the lessons learned, experiences made, and the unexpected changes that shaped my life. As I am setting my goals for 2013, I have great expectations for this new year. Many things I have planned and can't wait to share. Be safe to all that's going out for NYE. Catch y'all in the new year! Much love!

♥ A.Erika ♥  

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