Thursday, May 28, 2009

hardly home....

But always happy to be going home TOMORROW. I have not been home since January so this trip is lonnnnnnggggg overdue. I'm breaking from blogging until I return to campus as I will be busy with my brother's graduation and dance recitals and all the other activities my family has planned for me. But pictures will be taken so I will be back with updates and such!

I am not really looking forward to traveling though as I have THREE layovers before I get to Atlanta. So I fly to Detroit, Pittsburgh, and DC all before I get to my beloved Atlanta. I just hope everything works out since the weather isnt gonna be too great. But with the good Lord on my side, I will get there on time and most importantly, safe and sound. Nite nite!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

that was one heck of a shot

I'm not a big professional sports. I prefer college sports any day over pro, however, I love watching pro sports during the playoffs because I feel like that's when the athletes play with heart. Last night, I caught the last 15 minutes of the Cavaliers-Magic game, which was the best part of the game. Turk of the Magic made a clutch jumper, putting the Magic up by 2. With 1 second left, Jarad Williams inbound the ball to MR. Lebron James. James gets the ball up way behind the 3 point line and makes the shot. Like an amazing shot...I screamed and jumped out of my chair. You know what here's a video of the shot....

Isnt that a GREAT shot?? Definitely MVP STATUS! Gotta love the playoffs. As they say, where AMAZING happens. Cant wait for game 3!So I was reading an article about Lebron's shot and how its comparable to MJ's shot against the Cavs [the irony] on May 7, 1989 [my
FIRST birthday...of course GREATNESS happened on this day].Here's MJ be the judge...

Ohhh Charles Hamilton...I havent really listened to all his music but from I've heard, he's pretty good. Well apparently he's good at pissing people off too....peep the video...


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

some of this, a little bit of that

Its been one of those weeks....some of my favs graduated from RPI this weekend [still waiting on those pics], moving from one residence hall to the next, starting classes. Needless to say, its been an emotional past couple of days. But life goes on...

So I am on my daily blog check and I come across Clutch's posting on the downside of Obamamania and I am disgusted by some of the things that have been created in support of Obama. Tattoos, Chia Obamas, A SEX thats out of hand. Its really disturbing and distasteful. People are taking his position and his accomplishment as the first African-American president as joke by creating such items. I support tshirt and other paraphernalia but these other items are unacceptable.

On a lighter note, I am one of the BIGGEST University of Texas fan you will meet. For a person that has never been to Texas, I rep for them as if it was my hometown. Well one of my favorite basketball player's from Texas is Daniel Gibson. He declared for the draft in 2006 and has been playing for the Cavaliers since then. Well he is currently dating Ms. Keyshia Cole. I knew something up when she was wearing his jersey in her latest video. [See below]

Well they have decided to come out into the public eye. Apparently
he's had a thing for her for a minute. I think they are cute together. Keyshia Cole has become refined over the last couple of years and I hope this works out for them both. So to Boobie and of luck...A. Erika approved.

Monday, May 11, 2009


So I just finished my junior year of college [gosh time flies...] at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, also known as RPI [oldest technological institution in the United States]. I decided to stay on campus for the summer for numerous reasons. One of them being the horrible economy and I couldnt find a paying internship. So I am working 2 jobs on campus. I think it should be a pretty fun summer since alot of my friends are staying too. So i'm excited :-)
Along with working I have some plans for the summer. I love the summer because it allows me to reflect back over the last academic year, adjust/ make changes, and prepare for the next year. So here are Miss A. Erika's plans for the summer:
  1. ROADTRIP!!!! [NYC, Atlanta, Daytona Beach, Pittsburgh, Boston, CT, RI, Montreal....everywhere my little 07 Accord will take me...]
  2. Leisure Reading [I am sooooo busy during the school year that I hardly have time to read books for class much less leisure books so the first book on my list is Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man by Steve Harvey]
  3. Assemble my portfolio [As a design student, my portfolio shows my capability and skills as a designer since I will be looking for a full-time position in near future, why not get started??? And I will be posting some of my projects tooo....]
  4. Photoshoot [For the revision of my final project for Typography....more details later]
  5. Continue to blog
And plenty of other random stuff i'm sure...knowing me it will grow as the summer in honor of the summer season....

Saturday, May 9, 2009

first and foremost....

So hello blogworld....after much thought, delays, procrastination, etc., i've decided to enter the blogging scene as a blogger. To the people who know me, blog reading is a part of my daily routine so its no surprise that I finally created my own. Probably more of a surprise that it took me so long to create one. But here i am...Ashlee Lindo the blogger.

So follow me on my journey as i evolve into the best me i can be.....