Monday, May 11, 2009


So I just finished my junior year of college [gosh time flies...] at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, also known as RPI [oldest technological institution in the United States]. I decided to stay on campus for the summer for numerous reasons. One of them being the horrible economy and I couldnt find a paying internship. So I am working 2 jobs on campus. I think it should be a pretty fun summer since alot of my friends are staying too. So i'm excited :-)
Along with working I have some plans for the summer. I love the summer because it allows me to reflect back over the last academic year, adjust/ make changes, and prepare for the next year. So here are Miss A. Erika's plans for the summer:
  1. ROADTRIP!!!! [NYC, Atlanta, Daytona Beach, Pittsburgh, Boston, CT, RI, Montreal....everywhere my little 07 Accord will take me...]
  2. Leisure Reading [I am sooooo busy during the school year that I hardly have time to read books for class much less leisure books so the first book on my list is Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man by Steve Harvey]
  3. Assemble my portfolio [As a design student, my portfolio shows my capability and skills as a designer since I will be looking for a full-time position in near future, why not get started??? And I will be posting some of my projects tooo....]
  4. Photoshoot [For the revision of my final project for Typography....more details later]
  5. Continue to blog
And plenty of other random stuff i'm sure...knowing me it will grow as the summer in honor of the summer season....

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