Saturday, March 5, 2011

following my heart [part II]

So I decided to follow my heart. About 2 weeks ago, I went to new york city for an interview with a small media agency. The night before my interview, I had dinner with a friend just to catch up. We hadnt spoken in a couple years. We go wayyyy back like elementary school way back. young black woman doing her thing in the concrete jungle. When I was last in NYC, she extended an invitation for dinner but I didnt get a chance to meet up with her. So I promised next time, I was in the city we had to catch up. So we arranged our meeting. While waiting for her to arrive, I thought about how I could really see myself living in NYC. I've never really considered living there, partly due what I see with some of my family. Yet after talking to her I was assured that I could make it there. "girl if i can make it, then you can too." We even talked about living expenses, which was one of my biggest worries. Living in NYC is NO JOKE. She said its all about budgeting and sacrifices. After that, I was sold. It was really good catching up with her, seeing each other's progress in life from little fourth graders in Smoke Rise Elementary to young women trying to start their careers. Life comes full circle.

The interview went REALLY well. I felt like I really connected with the team and I felt like this is where I need to be. I was in there for about 2.5 hours and immediately after I walked out and said I need a drink but it was all worth it. I am so glad I insisted on going because its something I did. A risk I took. No matter the outcome, I did it for me and wont have any regrets about shoudda, woudda, coudda. That makes me happy inside. So now I must wait and continue to apply other places. But its hard applying to other places when your heart is elsewhere. I've done all I can do. Said my prayers and now I'm just waiting on the manifestation of it. This is the hardest part but I can see God working. He's putting all the pieces together. 

♥ A.Erika ♥ 

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