Tuesday, March 29, 2011

night owl.

i felt inspired to post. nothing much to say but i just felt like writing. i thrive at night. i say its because its hereditary. my dad's side stays up until thee wee hours of the morning. i have been cursed/blessed with it. at night is where i do my most thinking, writing via blog or journal, design work [especially in college], talking to God, etc. i can do all these things because i am not bothered by anything or anyone. idk how i'm gonna survive when i work full-time. well i'll probally be too tired to stay after working 8-9 hours a day. but since i have no set schedule as of now, my body is doing its own thing. i think...im done rambling. i'm going finish up my last email and head to bed.

oh i checked my stats this week and i found out i have a couple readers in japan. keep hope alive my japanese readers, i am praying for you guys!

♥ A.Erika ♥

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