Saturday, September 26, 2009

omg! he waved at me....

Yes President Obama waved at me. LOL. Its been such a busy week that I haven't time to post this momentual occasion but I saw President Obama on Monday. He came to Troy. For a president to come such a small town such as Troy, is big within itself not mention the first black president. So my roomie and I skipped class, and headed to Hudson Valley to the Mr.President Obama.

We got there around 10:30am, one hour before he was supposed to speak. I almost slapped one of the Wendy's managers, saying he would tow my car if we parked in the parking lot. I gladly moved my car without making a fuss because there was nothing that was gonna get in my way seeing MY president. We waited and then the motorcade sped past the crowd. *screams* I only saw his profile and that was good enough for me. But it gets better.

Me and the roomie tried to blend in with the other students and find where the speech would telecasted from. We found this nice older lady who directed us to the student center and we watched the speech in the auditorium. Even though I was jealous that he didnt come to RPI seeing that the president of my fine higher institute of higher learning is on his advisory staff and not to mention he butchered the name Rensselaer.*I digress* He made several points about the importance of education, whether its a PHD or its an associate degree. My favorite line from his speech was "result of hard work, discipline, sacrifice & ambition that served a common purpose...leadersip isn't inheritance, its a responsibility"

After the speech was finished, me and roomie ran to back to the street to see President Obama off. When his motorcade passed this time, it was going about 20 miles slowly so then the moment happened... I SAW HIM WAVED AND SMILE. It was so awesome. Even if I dont get to meet him, just seeing him so close made me happy. [I actually got it on video but i was so excited that u only see him for a brief second. LOL.] But it was an awesome day and has made my senior year so far.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Thursday, September 17, 2009

empire state of mind

these streets will make you feel brand new,
the lights will inspire you,
lets here it for New York, New York, New Yorkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

That is my favorite song off of Jay-z new album, Blueprint III. I'll have to say its one of my favorite Jay-z album, only second to American Gangster. I never knew how much I liked Jay-z music until I watched his concert on Friday at Madison Square Garden. It was streaming live from Fuse and I thoroughly enjoyed it. You've thought I was in Madison Square Garden. LOL.

Another reason why I like the album because of the album art. I LOVE the album cover. One of the best designed album covers I have seen in a long time. I thought it was designed using Adobe Photoshop, thinking whomever used Photoshop to create this is a BEAST. Yet while looking at one of my favorite design blogs, kiss my black ads, it was actually a photoshoot to create the awesomeness of that cover. Dont believe me. See the video for yourself....

♥ A.Erika ♥

Thursday, September 10, 2009

21 years of timeless love

Today on my 21st post, my parents celebrate 21 years of marriage [what a coincidence]. It amazes me how they still love each other after 21 years. For some reason, the thought of marriage kinda scares me and not to mention having a baby, I am petrified. I definitely want to find THAT man that I spend my whole life with, be the father of my children, etc. but at this point in my life, I am not ready for that type of commitment. Recently I have seen alot of my classmates from high school getting married. Although I am happy for them, I feel like they havent lived life enough to make that type of decision. But who am I to judge? I just know I want to marry once, knowing that this is man God has placed on this earth for me. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad, you guys are GREAT. Though all the ups and downs, you guys keep it together and I admire you both for that. I bet those haters are still wondering how you are still together. Well keep them pondering on it and stay strong. Love you guys mucho!!

♥ A.Erika ♥

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

labor day weekend: saratoga springs style

So I spent my labor weekend exploring something new: Saratoga Springs. About 25 min from campus, I had never really thought to go but I was in the mood for Chipotle and decided to take a trip. I'm so glad I did because its beautiful. And I ended up not even getting Chipotle. Lol. It's the epitome of what college town should be: boutiques, restaurants/bars, friendly atmosphere, art galleries, bookstores, bakeries, etc. I finally have some options for formal dresses. Another place to spend money for retail therapy :-). I wish Troy could compare but it does not.

Saratoga is known for its horse racing history. Its big summer pastime for the Capital Region that bring families together for the summer season. They had displays of painted horses all over Broadway, which is the major street that runs through the heart of downtown Saratoga. This was my favorite.

While there, me and the roomie [shes great btw. i was a lil nervous rooming with her and 2 other random people but its going well so far.] got dinner at Contina, a small mexican restaurant. The food was excellent but the service was kinda suspect. He was nice but very absentminded. I had a chicken quesadilla and SANGRIA!! It was my second time having it and i LOVE it. i think im acquiring a taste for wine but only if its sangria though. One of my roomies worked at a winery this summer and says PEACH sangria is speciality. Now you know imma imported Georgia peach so i definitely have to try it. We are supposed to have a dinner party soon and I will make sure that will be on the menu. But that wont be the last time Saratoga sees my face. Another trip coming sometime soon...another week or so. LOL.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Thursday, September 3, 2009

senior status

so im officially a SENIOR [May 29,2010 im out this biotch] in college. I've had 2 full days of class and I have to say I kinda like the courses I'm taking. Yet this is gonna be a tough year dealing with my senior coursework [which entails BOTH my EMAC and Management thesis/capstone], presidency of 1.5 organizations, being a RA, searching for full-time employment, applying to grad school, preparation for graduation and if theres any time left, enjoy being a SENIOR. So I really have a full plate but I am ready to take it on headfirst, only with much PRAYER and encouragement from those I love. Its gonna be an interesting/fun/ long ride until Graduation 2010. But on May 29, 2010, to hear my name being called, walking across the stage to get my degree [after shaking Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson and the rest of the Cabinet's hands], it will ALL be worth it. So here we goooooooooooooooooo.....

♥ A.Erika ♥