Thursday, September 10, 2009

21 years of timeless love

Today on my 21st post, my parents celebrate 21 years of marriage [what a coincidence]. It amazes me how they still love each other after 21 years. For some reason, the thought of marriage kinda scares me and not to mention having a baby, I am petrified. I definitely want to find THAT man that I spend my whole life with, be the father of my children, etc. but at this point in my life, I am not ready for that type of commitment. Recently I have seen alot of my classmates from high school getting married. Although I am happy for them, I feel like they havent lived life enough to make that type of decision. But who am I to judge? I just know I want to marry once, knowing that this is man God has placed on this earth for me. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad, you guys are GREAT. Though all the ups and downs, you guys keep it together and I admire you both for that. I bet those haters are still wondering how you are still together. Well keep them pondering on it and stay strong. Love you guys mucho!!

♥ A.Erika ♥

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