Thursday, September 3, 2009

senior status

so im officially a SENIOR [May 29,2010 im out this biotch] in college. I've had 2 full days of class and I have to say I kinda like the courses I'm taking. Yet this is gonna be a tough year dealing with my senior coursework [which entails BOTH my EMAC and Management thesis/capstone], presidency of 1.5 organizations, being a RA, searching for full-time employment, applying to grad school, preparation for graduation and if theres any time left, enjoy being a SENIOR. So I really have a full plate but I am ready to take it on headfirst, only with much PRAYER and encouragement from those I love. Its gonna be an interesting/fun/ long ride until Graduation 2010. But on May 29, 2010, to hear my name being called, walking across the stage to get my degree [after shaking Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson and the rest of the Cabinet's hands], it will ALL be worth it. So here we goooooooooooooooooo.....

♥ A.Erika ♥

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