Sunday, June 28, 2009

life is not promised...

This weekend was an enlightening one for me! I drove down to the city to see my mom visiting from Atlanta. As I'm waiting for to come, I check Ubertwitter seeing that the King of Pop, Mr. Michael Jackson, was not doing well. I didnt really think anything of it cuz I figured he would get better. Then one of good friends called me and told me he was dead. I was shocked....eventually the news was confirmed and Michael Jackson had passed at age 50. I think I'm in a state of shock...thinking that this is a publicity stunt but after seeing the gurney covered with the white sheet, the reality began to set in. It disturbed me so much that some of the media were focusing on all the negativity and not highlighting his INTERNATIONAL success. Probably the most acclaimed musical artist of this generation. Some people probably envy his success but when I actually think about it, he gave his personal life to the WORLD. He could not go out in public without paparazzi following him or fans asking for pictures, autographs, etc. I commend him for being so humble...some of these newer artists need to take a page out of his book because some will never receive the praise or success Michael did. So to Mr. King of Pop. Rest In Peace. Thank you for being so selfless, giving us classic after classic. Breaking color barriers and allowing the world to accept African-American musical artists. And for that, I am grateful. I hope you have found peace.

I also had to deal with my aunt in rehab. She's doing really well...I am proud of the progress she is making. We actually got her a day pass and took her out. It was fun, just like old times before she got sick. It was just hard seeing my aunt like that cuz shes always on the move. I also saw my uncle who had knee surgery. He looks GREAT!! 30 pounds in 6 weeks! I was like uncle you have lost weight...he doesnt look sickly fits him.

Seeing all this made me realize that life is not a guarantee so cherish it. Take advantage of all the opportunities that come your way and embrace them because you never know where they will lead. I been kinda timid of all these responsibilities but I have to step up to the plate especially if I want to change and progress. So I'm "starting with [wo]man in the mirror...if I wanna make the world a better place, taking a look at myself and making a change..."

♥ A.Erika ♥

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