Wednesday, June 17, 2009

whos got standards??

I love listening to V-103 online while I am at school. The radio DJs on this station are hilarious and very informative. It also makes me feel like I'm at home....kinda. I was listening to them yesterday and they were discussing dating "down" and why it cant work. Dating somebody who made not be at the same economic level. Thats where my problem comes. Its not about dating down...just dating in general. Guys are so different these days. What happened to the days where guys used to pursue the girls and actually make an effort to get to know them even if they do want the "cookies".

As I continued to listen, Frank-Ski listed about 5 qualities a man or woman should possess even if they may not be on your same economic level and I totally agree with.

1) CLASS [My parents always told me money doesnt buy class. So true! I see too many times people who are well off but carry themselves inappropriately. My parents instilled in me that whenever you leave the house, you representing this household. Sometimes I get lazy and dont feel like ironing so I'll change my outfit cuz I know my mom would be too mad if I came out the house looking wrinkled.]

2) ETIQUETTE [Does the person know what utensil to use at dinner or elegant restaurant? Does he know not to put his elbows on the dinner? Does he know the proper tip percentage? Does he have couth? These things and much more matter to me when I am talking to somebody. I shouldnt be embarrassed to go out with you.]

3) EXPOSURE [I always said exposure is a hell of thing. Being exposed to different cultures and environments makes you such a well-rounded person. My parents are both immigrants so they have told me to think internationally. In their words, "The world is not America." It kills me at school when the people from NYC brag about being from New York and claim its the best city but have not taken advantage of all the city has to offer. Never been to Upper East Side, or out of their borough, for that matter. They dont know about any other culture but their own. With New York City being the melting pot of so MANY cultures, they shouldnt be any excuses.]

4) OPEN-MINDEDNESS [I think this goes hand in hand with exposure. If you are scared to try new things, then it will limit you exposure. Do things that are out of the norm for you.....try outdoor activities, go to cultural shows and/or festivals, try different cuisines. It creates spice for your life and its something you can say you have tried. As my friends say, "Dont knock it until you try it."]

5) BEING LITERATE [Can you hold a conversation about current events? Do you read books, magazines, blogs, moreover do you even read? People always comment that I'm always reading blogs but it keeps me informed about what's going on in the world. Also, when you are at different social events, current events become topics of discussions and you and your mate should be able to have an educated opinion.]

These, along with others, are what qualities I would like my mate to possess. A girl's gotta have standards so these knucklehead boys dont try to step me with their nonsense. Even if they try, I will kindly turn them down with class and couth.

♥ A.Erika ♥

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