Tuesday, December 31, 2013

best of 2013

Last year I did the lessons I learned in 2012 (I and II) and decided to do something different this year. I wanted to share some of my favorite things that happened this year. So here it goes....
  •  Found Love. Or love found me. At the beginning of this year, I had this HUGE crush on this guy who was even interested in me. Basically wasting my pretty, like Belle says. I remember on my birthday, my friends urging me to date and I was like nah I’m good. They ragged me so much that I said fine I’ll date come June. May was a crazy month for me: my 25th birthday, a wedding, my brother’s graduation. So I figured June I could give my full attention to dating. Well God had a different plan. I met a guy on May 19, two weeks later, we went on our first date, and I am elated to say that I finally found someone that I can grow old with. He is truly amazing and humbled to call him boyfriend. I LOVE YOU BABES!
  • Inauguration 2013. My family and I drove to Washington DC and stood in the cold to see the 1st black president be inaugurated for a second term. An experience that is difficult to put in words. Joining together with people of different races, ethnicity, ages to celebrate this great moment in history is a moment I will forever cherish.
  • 25 to Autism. This year I dedicated my birthday to autism, a cause that's very dear to my heart. It started on World Autism Day (April 2) and continued to May 31st. I was so nervous about the fundraiser and almost didn't do it. But by the end, I was able to raise over $1000 for autism. One of the happiest moments this year and in my life!
  • Travelling to NYC, Charleston, Charlotte, Orlando. In February I took a trip to NYC to see my friends from college and it was more than I expected. In July the beau and I took our first trip together and it was wonderful seeing the art scene of Charlotte and riding on the back of a bicycle in a buggy. Loved seeing Charleston at night! And the cobblestone streets were a perfect touch!
  • Seeing Joyce Meyer Live. Over the past year, Joyce Meyer has been one of the saving grace as I commute to work. It's a miracle that I have kept my sanity this past year. And I'll attribute it partly to gaining inspiration from Joyce and her wise words. When I got word that she would be in Atlanta, I marked it on my calendar and counted down the days. And the experience did not disappoint! It was surreal to see her in person after countless hours of just listening to her voice in the car. Learning to focus what I can do and letting God fill in the rest.
  • Concerts: John Legend, India.Arie, Jonathan Butler, Emeli Sandé, John Mayer. Being blessed with the opportunity to work at venue has afforded me opportunities to see some of my FAVORITE artists in the world. It's something about seeing an artist person your favorite song live that makes you fall in love with the song even more. I mean the ability to speak with Jonathan Butler and embrace me like when we're friends from way back when is humbling and exciting! Sitting front row and seeing how smooth John Legend's skin is just....wonderful. I plan to attend more concerts in 2014. Praying for an Adele concert. It's time for a post baby album.
  • Hosting Ladies Lunch. I've always dreamed about creating an atmosphere for my friends to come over, eat, and talk for hours about any- and everything. And I think that I did that in January with some of my good who live in Atlanta. Jamaican food, arranged seating, mama & papa lindo, and good conversation. Doesn't get better than that!
 2013 has been a year of growth and decision making! I can really say I learned about creating the life you want to live instead of just waiting for it to be created. I will carry that lesson in 2014! 2013 was blessing and I am grateful to have seen and I know it was just a set up/ preview of what's to come. 2014 I'm ready for ya!
 ♥ A.Erika ♥

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Hello December!

I can't believe it's December already. Like I was telling a friend today, it seems like this year just zoomed by leaving us no space to breathe. Well maybe very little space to breathe. I am reflecting in all that has happened this year so I can give my recap for the year. I can't wait to share the highlights of the year with you all!

I've decided to step a back from many activities to really re-focus on what I want for my life. I saw this quote: "The best way to predict the future is to create it." And I couldn't agree with it more! I'm excited to share that I'm creating another blog, focused on art, design, culture! I hope to launch in January 2014. Don't worry this blog isn't going anywhere. This new blog is a year in the making. I bought the domain name last year (true story) and FINALLY decided to start. I'm really looking forward to sharing it with you all. Awesome content to share so stay tuned! Additionally, I am relaunching my personal website. Right now, it just hosts my portfolio but I want a site that will be reflective of my personal brand as well as support my freelancing endeavors. And this blog will be an extension of that site! Big tings a gwan!

I'm enjoying working on these projects. Tons of work but I'm doing what I love so it doesnt feel like work. Are you all planning to end 2013 with a bang?

 ♥ A.Erika ♥

Monday, September 23, 2013

Autumn Begins...

Autumn is here! Always preferred the word 'autumn' rather than fall. Fall seems so generic to me. Autumn just sounds cooler. (Well at least in my head it does.) I am actually excited for this new season. New beginnings, new opportunities, new commitments, new goals, new accomplishments are to come in this season and I'm excited for all of it. 

Since my last post, we were able to raise $1,018 for 25toAutism. I do not have enough thanks and appreciation to share, express, say, etc to those who supported the campaign monetarily and by spreading awareness. I still have yet to send thank you notes (I know shame on me), but I still plan to send them before October ends. Hold me to that.

The evening of my last post I went out on a date to dinner with a guy that changed my life. God has an interesting sense of humor and most times you have to just look back and marvel at His doing. Marvel then thank Him for what an AMAZING blessing He has given. Within these 4 months, I have learned so much about myself, the babes, and a healthy relationship. A good relationship is not easy by no stretch of the imagination. It takes HARD work but the results that yield from that work are truly awesome!

I've really been doing some thinking along with the push from the BF and friends to turn my gifts into a profit. In the past, I always created an excuse as to why I couldn't do it. But I've realized there is no time but the present and there is never a right time. You just have to be like Nike and do it. So I'm working on a big project that I've been putting off for way too long. I'll reveal in due time. Just know I'm working. 

Along with this project, I've been evaluating my schedule and why I'm so busy. Busy does not equal progress or productivity. I found myself just doing out of obligation, not getting the same fulfillment as I used to. With this realization, I've decided to commit or do activities/projects/etc that bring me fulfillment or what God places in my heart to do in this current season of my life. Some understand, some don't and it's okay either way. I'm deciding to put myself first and I am learning that is okay. 

So I promise I'm back. Really didn't mean to leave y'all hanging but life happens. I love y'all and stay tuned!

 ♥ A.Erika ♥

Friday, May 31, 2013

Last Appeal for 25toAutism

Today is the LAST DAY! I decided to extend the campaign to today to give people more time to donate. I appreciate all the donations, support, and love I've received for this campaign. I've raised over $800 thus far! As the campaign is coming to a close, I was persuaded by a very close friend to share my story about growing up with Michael and why this campaign is close to my heart. So here it goes.....

I was about 5 when I realized my brother Michael was different. He operated differently. His sentences were short. He would always put his hands in his ears. As a typical younger sibling, I followed him around. Then one day, I asked my mom why he was different and she explained that my brother had autism. My immediate response was, "Can he take medicine?", because in my young mind, medicine helped you get better. But she said that's not how it works. She stressed the importance of me being there for him as a sibling. At that age, I promised myself that I would be his big little sister. Be his warrior, his advocate if you will.  I've considered it a privilege to be his personal advocate, because although he has autism, he is my brother. And his autism doesn't stop me from loving him any differently. 

My family is blessed. Michael has a mild form of autism, so he does not require medication to control his behavior, nor does he rely on my family to use the bathroom or bathe or feed himself. Other families aren't as fortunate. This campaign is not only personal but necessary to support the families who may need further assistance. That's where you come in. There are only 2 days left for my campaign, and I would love for you to contribute to an organization that gives hope to families. Your contribution shows them that you recognize their needs and gives them comfort that someone acknowledges their daily life. I ask you, no matter how much, to give. Give in honor of Michael, my big brother.

It's not too late to donate! To give a donation, visit this link: http://bit.ly/25toAutism

 ♥ A.Erika ♥

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My Birthday Campaign

So last entry, I mentioned a campaign I was working on and finally I can share more details. I almost didn't do it. I almost let fear cripple me from doing one of my favorite passion projects to date. I present: 25toAutism!

I turn 25 this year and I wanted to do something special so I decided to donate my birthday to raising awareness about Autism. This project aligns with my philanthropic socialite dreams. My goal is $2500! So if 100 people donate $25, I will reach my goal. So I need 99 more donors since I was the first $25 donation. You don't have to donate $25 though. No donation is too small!  So help me spread the word and if you feel inclined, make a donation! The campaign starts TODAY!

For more campaign information, http://bit.ly/25toAutismTools!
To make a donation, http://bit.ly/25toAutism!

♥ A.Erika ♥   

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

paces in maturation.

I had a convo with my big sis on Sunday and she said something that I've been thinking about since then:
 Everybody matures at a different pace and I've learned to be okay with that.
 I had an ah-ha moment later. I was thinking about this campaign I'm working on (more details later) and as an extension of those thoughts, I thought about my friends and how great they are. (and how my prayers have been answered.) Each one has their struggles yet that doesn't make them any less friend worthy than the other. It just means that their journey is different from mine or my other friends. And as they are struggling, I have to continue to support and be patient with them as God and they were (and still are) patient with me. Cuz the Lord knows how stubborn I can be. Lol. A true friend is there in the valleys with you and then celebrating with you on the mountaintop. So thanks big sis (I know you are reading this. LOL.) and I really appreciated our impromptu convo on Sunday! :)

♥ A.Erika ♥  

Friday, March 15, 2013

My struggle with [professional] titles

Last week I was called Social Media Queen. I cringed. I cringed everytime somebody calls me guru, maven, etc. All those words scream mastery of some sort. And I am not a master. Not yet. Not sure I ever will be because it's ever changing. But it bothers me that people refer to me as that. Because I don't see it. I see myself trying to catch up on learning the [arts] culture, stay current with trends and such, and forsee the future with new changes. It's a difficult task. I'm currently struggling. Sometimes I feel myself sinking. Like the world is speeding past me and I'm standing still because I'm in awe of its pace.

I don't like unearned titles. Unearned titles gets people in trouble. When you start to think TOO highly of yourself, you begin to become untouchable, unrelatable, unbalanced. That false sense of security comes crashing down because you begin to think you cannot be replaced. And at THAT moment when you feel unreplacable (yep I made that word up), is the time you get replaced. I don't consider myself a maven, guru, know-it-all because there is still so much for me to learn. Hell I'm only 24! However, I'm learning to accept the respect people have for me because I'm knowledgeable in a subject that are not THAT familiar with. I saw this quote on Twitter and wished I could have faved it so many times, "The hardest lesson we have to learn is believing in ourselves as much as others do." True story.

♥ A.Erika ♥  

Monday, March 4, 2013

NYC Trip Recap: The weekend of getting chosed

Last weekend I decided to take a trip. A trip to NY to see my friends as well as celebrate my booskie's chapter anniversary. The plan to bring everything all together was seamless, so smooth that it was meant to be. Instead writing my paragraphs I decided to hit the highlights of my weekend in outline form. Quicker to read anyways. LOL!
The weekend consisted of: 
  • Screaming and hugging my BFF, after not seeing her for 3 years and leaving my suitcase in the middle of LaGuardia traffic. But my BFF grabbed my luggage after our greeting.
  • Roadtripping to my campus with my sister, Booskie, best friend. Perfect blend.
  • Greeted from the bros who I hadn't seen in a LONG time.
  • Officially declaring the weekend, the weekend of getting chosed. Official songs were Pour It Up and Started From the Bottom.  See tweet below.
  • Breakfast with my shooting star and child (STARR Weekend baby).
  • Listening to the accomplished bros on the panel share their professional experiences and of course I live tweeted the event. GREAT advice!
  • Purchasing some cool stuff RPI para for my desk at work.
  • Getting ready with my girls (and Booskie) and looking glam. Then walking into the event, feeling and looking amazing.
  • Being announced as a judge (for the Ms. Black and Gold pageant) and escorted by my Booskie to the judges table.
  • Learning about the black history at RPI and how those paved the way so I can that I could become an alumna of RPI.
  • Speaking with a faculty member about the future of minority life at RPI and discussing my interest in helping.
  • Hearing our RPI president speak, first black president of the institution and very noteworthy. She spoke about her dedication to the students and that her thoughts are always with the students of the minority community. One thing that resonated with me is one thing she regrets is not spending more time with students especially the minority students. It was awesome to hear her say that.
  • Turning up with my besties and sis! Introducing my sis to her phirstpham. Enjoying good company. Going to bed at 5a, just short of sunrise.
  • Zooming down the freeway to make my flight in the NIC of time. 
The hardest thing was saying goodbye to all my friends. Going our separate ways. Not knowing when we'll all be together in one place again. Sucks but I'll have to say it was the BEST $270 I've spent to make [more] memories that will last a lifetime. Spending time with my loved ones is so important to me and I'll have to say I'm SO glad I made the sacrifice to go. Learning to live with no regrets.

♥ A.Erika ♥  

Sunday, January 27, 2013

inauguration and ladies lunch.

Currently: Laying in the bed SICK, trying to get better because I can't afford to be sick. So hence forth, I should use my time wisely and blog, RIGHT?! I really have a problem with staying still. I should be sleeping or resting but I did that for 5 hours already today and in my mind, that's enough. Probably not though. This year I promise to rest more. It's one of my goals for my vision board, which is still incomplete. Don't judge me though.

The Lindos at the Inauguration 2013.
Anyways, last week around this time, I was sitting in Longhorn's Steakhouse in Laurel, MD, eating dinner and watching the Ravens BEAT up on the Patriots to make it to the SuperBowl, while in full anticipation of the next day: President Obama's 2nd inauguration. While my family went in 2009, I was glad to join my family and other Obama supporters for this momentous occasion. I really cannot explain the experience being there on the National Mall amongst thousands of hopeful and excited people. People from all walks of life. Black, white, asian, indian. Handicapped. International residents. All there to celebrate. It was just....AMAZING! I am so glad that I got to see with my own 2 eyes, Uncle Barry and Uncle Joe taking their oaths. Auntie Shelly slaying with her outfit and laid hair. My cuzzo, Malia and Sasha, killin it in their poppin pea coats. It was a sight to see and proud to say I witnessed it in my lifetime.

Yesterday, I hosted a lunch. At my parent's house. For some of my closest friends in Atlanta. And it was a success, better than I could have ever anticipated! At first I was nervous because I have done anything like this before. Inviting my friends to meet my family. I am SO protective over my family and don't allow just anybody to come to my house because I feel like I am exposing my family. But everybody was just comfortable. Started off with being a ladies lunch but Papa Lindo decided to crash like the White House dinner crashers. Lol. Jamaican food, MANY laughs, family, friends, and CamiCakes is the BEST way to sum up the afternoon and it was a LOVELY combination! I want to make it quarterly event. Hopefully I can have my NY and DC besties come down for one! That would be AWESOME!

♥ A.Erika ♥  

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

2013: Year of Focus

Happy 2013! As always my new year's post is always delayed. I took the pics above on New Year's Day while watching the Rose Bowl Parade (My new year's day ritual) with all intention of posting later that day. Ehh not so much. Only 16 days into 2013 and my life has been hectic/busy/full/eventful. I still have not done my vision board for this year. I just feel burned out which is odd because you are supposed to feel refreshed for the new year. And to be honest, I just did not feel motivated enough to get my goals on paper for this year. And I thought I was the only one until I read a recent post from one of my new favorite blogs. But everyday, I am feeling renewed and by the end of the month, I will finish listing my goals for this year and do my vision board. I'll even share it.

Every number has a symbolic meaning. The number 13 means chaos and confusion, which I am definitely feeling already. Ironically enough, my pastor declared, FOCUS, as our theme for this year.  Perfect theme. Not allowing ourselves to be distracted by the things that keep you from the goals. Or not allowing ourselves to be distracted by the things that are not priorities. I already had to turn down some great opportunities because I had to set my priorities. And I feel good about my decision. So I encourage you all to decide what's important and FOCUS in the midst because the distractions are coming so be ready! I hope great things for my readers this year!

♥ A.Erika ♥