Monday, December 26, 2011

pace yourself, ash.

You know when you were a kid and you got all giddy when you’re mom or dad was about to give you something you REALLY wanted? My mom said I used to do this little dance and I actually still do a form of that dance to this day. Lol. Well I get that same giddy feeling when I find opportunities that I can use to prove my skill and abilities especially for my career. I just wanna e-mail all these opportunities and say I can do it! I can do it! Then I find myself overwhelmed with everything because I decided to be superwoman and take on too many tasks. So that’s going to be one of the things I focus on next year is pacing myself. Because I was limited in the activities I wanted to participate due to unemployment, now I want to do everything because I have money of the better resources. But I don’t want to stretch myself too thin, trying to do everything at once.  I am forcing myself to be patient, finish my commitments and do them to the best of my ability. THEN take on another responsibility. Learning to build my empire slowly but surely.

I hope you all had a great Christmas. The fam and I surely did and we have leftovers for dayssss!!!

♥ A.Erika ♥

Sunday, December 4, 2011

um hi.

oh hello there! its only been 4 months since my last post. I took another sabbatical from the blog, not intentional though. It's harder for me to post since my laptop's screen has decided it's not gonna work. Despite technical difficulties, trust, I have been a busy girl. I am now working full-time at big computer hardware distributor. :D When I got that offer call, I was screaming internally because I was working temporarily at a private school. All those internships, pro-bono opportunities, etc have paid off and now I am a working woman!

I've decided to volunteer with the teen ministry at church, finishing up my shadowing process. As soon as I started my shadowing process, I got a call for a women's mentoring program I signed up for earlier this year. I was so elated because mentoring has helped shape who I am today. So our first planning meeting is this Saturday and I am ready to start working. I met with RPI Alumni in October and signed up to be a meeting coordinator for next year. I have photoshoot set up for later this month with my friend and I am hoping to meet with my image consultant so I can be fly for the shoot. And that is just small look into what I have been doing in these last 4 months.

In the midst of all that, I have been thinking about the future of my blog. 2 entries ago, I talked about changes and the changes I intended to make are completely different of the changes I am currently working on. When I started this blog two years ago [geez i cant believe its been 2 years], the intent was for it to be a one stop shop. Meaning I would post personal experiences along with sharing information [like pop culture, design, etc] I thought would be interesting to my readers. As my blog has developed, it became more of my online journal. So in a way, i'm sharing information, but its more personal, penning the highs and lows of my life. Although I love this blog, I contemplated eliminating it because I thought it was TOO personal. But I gave it further thought and decided if I can't share my personal stories and be transparent, then I shouldnt blog. So with that said, this blog is here to stay. But I still want to develop my brand so I have decided to create another blog that focuses more on my career as graphic designer and social media enthusiast. The launch date for that blog is TBD. But I am excited to "birth" another blog. I have all kinds of posts ready to go.

I have been doing much reflecting and assessing these last couple weeks in preparation for my vision board. I feel I'm moving in the right direction. So more updates in the next couple weeks. I have some goodies to share. :)

♥ A.Erika ♥

Monday, August 15, 2011

summer sabatical.

hello lovelies!
my quiet storm and mouth-almighy

after a summer filled with toddlers and thinking, I'm back.

this summer I decided to nanny two 3-year-old girls. I was slightly nervous about it because I didn't suffer hell in undergrad for 4 years to become a nanny and this was not helping my career any. but I wasn't gonna pass up easy money. For two months, my girls and I went to the park, went to the aquarium, went to the petting zoo, got ice cream, went to storytime, did arts and crafts, talked about big girl school, AND took naps. [for all my tweeps, I hope my #nannydiaries captured the essence of summer as a nanny.] I realized children are not in my immediate future and riding with car seat is guy repellent. blessing and curse. Lol.

the family at mama lindo's celebration
I also used this summer to learn more about me. I was selfish this summer and I have never felt better. I was able to do some deep thinking about my career, friends, family, etc. Evaluate friendships even eliminate some. I got to meet new people and exchanged dreams/ideas with them, in turn they provided encouragement.  I reconnected to family I haven't seen in years. Partied with my parents until 6a in NYC. I was able re-develop my love of reading. Even able to meet one of my favorite writers and I'm now on HP book 4. I was able to explore my city and I'm proud to say I can navigate downtown Atlanta like a pro. Lol. I even gained a couple pounds by eating to my heart's delight. I shopped and got some "big girl clothes". I planned one of the best bday parties my mom has ever had. I got my belly button re-pierced and I'm going to see 1/3 of my rap trinity tomorrow. I'm going to a wine tasting next week and the week after, I'm meeting with some alumni. After all that, the thing I'm most proud about for summer 2011 is my relationship with God. If anything I could be selfish with is my relationship with Him. Understanding my significance and knowing who I am in Christ fuels my actions and keeps me inspired.

I'm so glad to be back. I've missed it so no more neglect. I have some surprises too as indicated by the last entry but I'm ready to unveil them just yet. But anyday now...hope u all have had a GREAT summer!

♥ A.Erika ♥

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


"im planning something REALLY REALLY big, very IMPORTANT, and when you hear about it, you will be VERY VERY PROUD!!" *in my best gru [from despicable me] voice*

until then....

♥ A.Erika ♥

Friday, June 17, 2011

private party.

"im having a private party, learning how to love me, celebrating the woman I've become..." Private Party, India Arie.

Its been a long time coming, but this past week has been one of the best weeks I've had in a long time. Nothing really special happened, unless you count seeing my tallest friend ever in over a year, meeting a couple guys in my newly single status, partying at one of the nicest clubs in atlanta. I digress. Lol.

But apart from all that, i celebrated myself...looked introspectively and saw my progress. Getting past...the pain of a breakup...the disappointment of not getting a job after graduation...moving back in with my parents...changed friendships...etc. Not to mention, that i'm my hardest critic and sometimes i'm TOO hard on myself. Yet, last week i looked at what&who i've become, as a result. I couldnt help but be happy and have a private party like india arie. And then on sunday, pastor confirmed everything i was feeling last week with this quote: "This day could not exist without those days. You wouldn't be where you're at without what you went through."

we should all take a day to celebrate ourselves. sometimes we need to pat ourselves on the back. so as i continue to have my private parties in the future, i encourage you all to have them too. take some time to celebrate where you have come from, where you are, and where you are going.

 ♥ A.Erika ♥

Thursday, June 2, 2011

guest post: almost doesnt count

my little sister is one of the best writer i know. the way she able to articulate her words on paper is quite impressive. i've always told her she should do greeting cards but she brushes me off and laughs. and now that she's older, im tryna persuade to do some freelance writing. i'm telling yall the girl has talent. anyways, born on the same day, exactly four years, we often share sentiments on school, guys, love, etc. she recently wrote this tumblr post about being heartbroken.So beautifully written in a way i could not attempt to write.  While i read it, i felt her pain. So I figured i would share. [disclaimer: its a tad bit lengthy but a good read nonetheless...]

almost doesn’t count

you ever meet someone and feel an instant connection? it’s like there’s a force literally driving you closer to them. you end up in their arms after only your first time meeting and your heart is at ease. you’re not nervous, nor afraid…everything is just familiar. it’s almost like you have known them for forever. in only a few hours of conversation you feel as if you know each other inside and out…nothing could break this bond you all have.
hours turn to days, days to weeks, weeks to months and before you know it they’re the first person that crosses your mind in the morning and the last voice you hear before you close your eyes. the sun rises on their every word and sets with every touch. you reveal secrets that have never been shared, stories that have never been told…expose pieces of your soul that have never seen the light of day. you can’t call it love because that word alone doesn’t do what you all share justice. it’s more. when they say they would never hurt you, you believe them. because you trust them, like never before.

can you pinpoint that person in your life? i can. i know him…well, i knew him. because he is no longer the same person in my eyes. peering over the edge of the cliff, i was about two steps away from falling for him. i was almost there. the trust i had in him is broken and it’s something that will never be fixed. repaired? maybe. stitched? possibly. restored? not likely. healed? never. there’s no way we can be what we once were or what we had potential to be. boxed in by a friendship that could have blossomed into something beautiful…

needless to say the connection we have could outlast infinity. what we know about each other will not vanish with one mishap and there will forever be a place for him where it matters most. the words are still ringing in my head. a request for me to stay. but in staying i would be accepting the fact that hurting me is something my heart can withstand. this is not the case. i could have taken it from anyone but him…not him. i believed in him, all the way…more than i have ever trusted in any one person. and he let me down. although unexpectedly and unintentionally…he still let it happen. he let me get hurt. one more spot that won’t come out…perfectly stained on my heart.

mhm. dat girl good. lol. if you are on tumblr, check out her stuff ---->

♥ A.Erika ♥

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

follow up to letting go.

*re-reads letting go post and proceeds to write...*

That post was prematurely written. Like hypothetically written for ideal situation. As if letting go is easy. Especially if emotions are heavy and questions are unanswered.

Questions like is it normal when on a "break" to go weeks without speaking? For some reason that just doesn't seem normal. Maybe it is.

Or who contacts who first while on a break? I believe whoever initiates the break should make contact first. Maybe thats wrong too.

Or was love really felt? Or did you just say it because it was just the "right" thing to say?

Maybe these questions will be answered, most likely they won't. Either way I'm learning to get over it. I guess this can be considered a peace treaty, just waiting for your signature. No more shots. Learning from the mistakes and adjusting my life accordingly.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

twenty three years young.

My birthday was this past weekend and it was lowkey just like I wanted. Plus it was my first birthday home in 4 years during mother's day weekend so I already knew my bday celebration was gonna be with family. Fun ashlee fact: I was ALMOST a mother's day baby. My mom continues to remind me that I missed getting a cabbage patch doll by a couple hours. Apparently all children born on mother's day receive a cabbage patch doll. *shrugs*

first friday with chi. :)
Pre bday celebration began with shopping for outfits for the weekend. Then tackled the hair removal with threading and waxing. Has anyone had their armpits waxed? Good gawd!  My mom had to hold my hand. Lol. Good thing it lasts long cuz I couldn't see putting myself through the pain every 2 weeks which is about as often as I shave. I went out to first fridays and  biz markie was there, looking like a cow whilst he was chewing his gum. No shots. Loved the venue. People kill me in atlanta, its like they act like they too cute/cool to dance. Smh. Saturday [My actual birthday] mama lindo and I went to the spa and enjoyed a nice pedicure. My feet feel as soft as a baby's bottom. Then I went to my old choregrapher's production. Like always, I'm inspired to dance again. Its been 3 years since taking a GOOD class. I miss the stage. I miss being able to express myself thru intricate movements. I miss being able to be sore from dancing all day at the studio. I just miss it all. So I been looking for some classes for the summer. I wanna get those feelings back.

I felt so loved with all the calls, txts/bbms, tweets, and fb posts. Even the fb post from HIM. After 8 months of being in a relationship, then 4 wks of not speaking, a fb post TRULY shows you love someone. Anywho, I really appreciate those who did reach out. Yall are great!!! :)

hello 23!
Mothers day proved to be one of the best in a while, as told by mama lindo. I'd like to think because I graced her with my presence this year. Lol. Nah it was a great family day with many laughs. Even my big bro came out with us. Sad the weekend is over and its back to the grind of job searching. Oh Lord when is it gonna be my turn....yet I'm thankful for where I am. Not tryna seem ungrateful but I'm oh so ready.

Until next time my loves,

♥ A.Erika ♥

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

letting go.

“Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.” — Herman Hesse

This quote pretty sums up how i've been feeling recently. being able to let go and move on from the past requires a new strength. a strength i had to pray about. i've realized we continue to hold on to things, people, etc because its comfortable to be there. However, comfortable doesnt always equal progress. nobody REALLY wants to go out of their comfort zone but it is sometimes required to move along and get to what lies ahead. it may take pain, sweat, and tears. yet one day at a time it will become easier and easier. 

we all have to realize that there is a season for everything. holding to that thing or person past its season sometimes bring more harm than good. accepting that the season is over helps with the moving on process.

while moving on, learning to assess that situation so you make better choices for the next time. because we cant expect to do the same things and expect a different result because thats insanity. 

each day gets better and better. shoutout to my peeps who have checked in. i'm letting go.  :)

♥ A.Erika ♥

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

my brand.

Business Cards :)
i've been working on my personal brand as a way to enter this social media arena i am so passionate about. brainstorming blog topics, working on my site, getting my domain name, etc. i'm proud to say two steps closer to solidifying my online presence. firstly, i've designed my business cards. checking out some quotes and hopefully should have them printed next week. but i gotta get my domain name before i hand them out, which is next on the personal branding to-do list.

secondly, ive launched my web portfolio after much procrastination of my part. check it out--> I've been looking at it all day today. Just tad a bit proud.
i've been going back and forth on whether to move to tumblr. i've decided that i'm going to move design and social media posts to wordpress so i can be more familiar with the platform in preparation for my future social media job. then keep this as my stream of consciousness/ diary. so when i create that wordpress blog, make sure you all follow that as well...please and thank you. :)

so all i have to-do is: purchase my domain name, print business cards, start and name wordpress blog, figure out a way to link all of these sites to a common area. Not too much.

so as you can see, i've been busy. and its going to get busier. with various birthdays, mine included, in the near future. i'm about to add party planner to my list of titles as well.

♥ A.Erika ♥

p.s.project three sixty five is starting again for the third time. [i just found my camera after 3 mths of searching but thats a story for another day] 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

night owl.

i felt inspired to post. nothing much to say but i just felt like writing. i thrive at night. i say its because its hereditary. my dad's side stays up until thee wee hours of the morning. i have been cursed/blessed with it. at night is where i do my most thinking, writing via blog or journal, design work [especially in college], talking to God, etc. i can do all these things because i am not bothered by anything or anyone. idk how i'm gonna survive when i work full-time. well i'll probally be too tired to stay after working 8-9 hours a day. but since i have no set schedule as of now, my body is doing its own thing. i done rambling. i'm going finish up my last email and head to bed.

oh i checked my stats this week and i found out i have a couple readers in japan. keep hope alive my japanese readers, i am praying for you guys!

♥ A.Erika ♥

Monday, March 28, 2011


That's what I did 3 days ago for the Atlanta Twestival. Twestival is the largest single day social media philanthropy effort put by various international cities to help local charies. Social media meets community service. Gotta love it!

I decided to join the planning committee seeing as though I love social media. I thought would be a great opportunity to meet with people who share my love of social media, want to give back to the community, and get advice about breaking into the social media industry.

It was a success! I made some great contacts, learned about an important cause I am interested in volunteering for [Nicholas House], and gained some sound advice. I am so glad to have participated in a such great event and I hope next year, its bigger and better.

Oh yea by the way, I have interview for a social media position I applied to about 3 weeks ago. Ironic how I help out with a social media event and the very next day, I get a request for an interview. God has his own way of putting you just the place he wants you. Claiming that I kill this interview because this agency has done AWESOME work and I would LOVE to be apart of the awesome-ness.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Thursday, March 10, 2011

march madness/gladness

March Madness! March Gladness! I love the month of March just because of the March Madness! There is no time like it. When I was at RPI, I would hardly pay attention in class, watching various games on my laptop. Almost screaming out randoms outburst in class because of great plays. Nothing gets my blood pumping like a GREAT tourney game.

So for the month of March, my church decided to give classes on Wednesday instead of Wednesday night service. I was excited because they had a class about prepping for the job market. Seeing as though, i'm still actively seeking full-time employment, i figured this would be a great class to refresh some skills and learn some new info. Apparently there was not enough interest so I'm taking a class called building biblical wealth, and so far, its been A-MAZING.

One of my biggest goals in life is to leave a legacy to my generational tree, comparable to the Rockefellers, Kennedys, etc. One of the ways I want to build that legacy is having wealth. In order to build that, I must learn how to budget my money so I can create a habit of good spending habits. In turn, I can teach my kids, grandkids, and possibly my great-grandkids to great spending habits. One of the references the instructor used in class to help with budgeting is I would suggest all my readers, look at this site and get some help managing that budget. As much I would like to build a legacy, I wish the same for my readers.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Monday, March 7, 2011

radical love.

Last year my parents went through a class, along with other couples, called Radical Love. The purpose of the class was to teach them to become better spouses for one another. After the class finished, the couple continue to meet and include their families during the meetings. Of course, all the kids go play elsewhere but I, partly because I'm nosy, stay with the adults. I listen to hear how these couples are trying to keep their marriages going. I sit there admiring the support these couples have with each other. Holding each other accountable and also, being that helping hand when they are in need. I love that! I hope to have that connection with my friends and their spouses. Also, I hope to have that with my future husband's friends and their spouses as well. I know support systems help me even more now that i'm relationship. For me, its a sigh of relief when I reach out to my girls or my guys and they can identify what I'm going through. To me that says, they made it though so I can too.

Not gonna lie though, sometimes I feel a lil uncomfortable while they're talking about their personal issues but I've realized they want me to hear so I wont/ help prevent me from making the same mistakes they've made. Through these meetings, I am learning what it takes to be 1) a better woman and 2) a better wife for my husband. 

One thing my mom learned from the class and has imparted to me as i'm my relationship journey is "My spouse is not my problem." I think that statement is starting to click. I cannot worry about what my beau is doing and is not doing cuz that will drive me crazy. But trying to make sure "i'm a better me so me and you can be a better we". I know I've been struggling with some things lately and this meeting is kinda what I needed.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Saturday, March 5, 2011

following my heart [part II]

So I decided to follow my heart. About 2 weeks ago, I went to new york city for an interview with a small media agency. The night before my interview, I had dinner with a friend just to catch up. We hadnt spoken in a couple years. We go wayyyy back like elementary school way back. young black woman doing her thing in the concrete jungle. When I was last in NYC, she extended an invitation for dinner but I didnt get a chance to meet up with her. So I promised next time, I was in the city we had to catch up. So we arranged our meeting. While waiting for her to arrive, I thought about how I could really see myself living in NYC. I've never really considered living there, partly due what I see with some of my family. Yet after talking to her I was assured that I could make it there. "girl if i can make it, then you can too." We even talked about living expenses, which was one of my biggest worries. Living in NYC is NO JOKE. She said its all about budgeting and sacrifices. After that, I was sold. It was really good catching up with her, seeing each other's progress in life from little fourth graders in Smoke Rise Elementary to young women trying to start their careers. Life comes full circle.

The interview went REALLY well. I felt like I really connected with the team and I felt like this is where I need to be. I was in there for about 2.5 hours and immediately after I walked out and said I need a drink but it was all worth it. I am so glad I insisted on going because its something I did. A risk I took. No matter the outcome, I did it for me and wont have any regrets about shoudda, woudda, coudda. That makes me happy inside. So now I must wait and continue to apply other places. But its hard applying to other places when your heart is elsewhere. I've done all I can do. Said my prayers and now I'm just waiting on the manifestation of it. This is the hardest part but I can see God working. He's putting all the pieces together. 

♥ A.Erika ♥ 

Monday, February 7, 2011

following my heart.

its hard following your heart when your biggest supporters dont agree with it. i know what i want to do and how i want to do it. but my supporters dont see it that way. they want me to cautious especially with limited income but if i dont try, i will regret not taking that opportunity because of their influence. i am not trying to be disobedient but i feel like im sacrificing my sanity to appease them. i dont want to feel disgruntled towards them but its hard when they are hindering me from what i want. all of my life, i have pretty much followed what they said but at this point, i gotta start making decisions for me, even if they disagree with it.

♥ A.Erika ♥ 

Friday, January 28, 2011

year of the rabbit.

2011 = year of the rabbit. rabbit = my favorite animal. So with some substitution and simplification, 2011= my favorite year. Hopefully. Calling it until it comes to pass. That explanation was so geeky. Some things u cant help when you graduate from the oldest technological university in the English-speaking world. Hehehe ;-)

In all honesty, I really love the graphic. first aesthetically pleasing post of the year. Which i'm contemplating moving my aesthetically pleasing posts to tumblr and have this be my stream of consciousness. Not completely sure though...

♥ A.Erika ♥

Monday, January 17, 2011

happy new year.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Im only a few days late just like last year. Its been a great year thus far. Only 16 days in and its been great? sounds cliche but it really has. My last entry, I was battling with some decisions as far as my career goes. I was going back and forth with God, confused about what I should do. After many nights of praying, I have decided to go with my heart and I feel so relieved about it. Sometimes we make decisions just to silence others people but in turn we hurt ourselves. I refuse to do that so if its just me and God fighting this thing, Im ok with that. So with that said, I have been sending out applications and I have 2 leads so far. *happy dance* So im believing great things for this year. 2011 has great things for me...I feel it! =)

♥ A.Erika ♥