Tuesday, March 25, 2014

2 Lifestyle Changes Caused By My Commute

I didn't really think about my commute what I got my offer for my current job. I was just so happy to get a full time opportunity in my field that it could've been in Timbuktu and I would've went. My commute is 1 hour, one way with no traffic. And I wish that was my life. Tuh. However because Atlanta traffic will never let be me great or anyone else for that matter, it takes sometimes 2 hours to get to work, that's one way. Sometimes I just look at people in their cars. I've noticed that people are CHARACTERS when they think no one is watching. And I'm the person to catch them too. I mean I have nothing else to do unless I decide to read like I saw one driver doing yesterday. Anyways, I've learned TWO changes I've made during my commute and would love to share.
  •  One: I must spend time with God while I'm driving in the morning. Driving the same way for the last 1.5 years can cause you to go crazy. Trust me I've seen it. My day doesn't seem right if I haven't had a talk with God and listened to Auntie Joyce [Meyer]. Doing these 2 things has improved my spiritual walk and makes the time go by faster. Auntie Joyce and her nuggets have been life changing. I don't honk at people as much nor do I yell. I'm pretty sure my blood pressure has gone down because of that. It's truly a blessing to see my sanity is still in tact when I leave my house at 7:20 and don't get to work until 9a. 
  • Two: My road rage is not rage anymore. It's peace. Road peace. Even my babes has noticed my calmed behavior. I've seen weapons pulled out on people, people getting out their cars and yelling at another car, people cutting others off...all because road rage. So because I value my life, I've decided to chill out on the honking and yelling. I just listen to my auntie Joyce or catch up with a friend or of course talk to the fiancĂ©.
♥ A.Erika ♥ 

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