Tuesday, March 18, 2014

why I liked the movie, Need for Speed.

Source: CHUD.com
This weekend I treated my fiancé to movie date which is a big deal because he hardly lets me pay for anything. Not a bad thing at all. Plus he likes the little things. Anyways he loves cars so Need for Speed was a perfect movie for us to watch together. I won't tell the plot of the movie but Kid Cudi played one of the friends of the main character. He plays this full of himself but not overbearing guy. He actually was hilarious! What stood out to me though is the fact that his character was a) in the military and b) a pilot. The latter is what resonated with me the most. The fact that a black man, a hip hop artist, was playing a character piloting a military helicopter is really cool. And I know Denzel was a pilot in Flight but I really hated strongly disliked that role for Denzel. I can't stand Denzel to play negative characters. I strongly disliked Training Day too. We need more images of positivity! Thanks to the internet, we can create our own images and don't have to wait on Hollywood!

♥ A.Erika ♥  

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