Saturday, March 22, 2014

True Life: My License Was Suspended

Yeaaaaaa! Not something I'm proud of but here's the story....

After my first year of college, my parents gifted me with a brand new car, a 2007 Honda Accord affectionately known as Shadow. I thought I was TOO COOL with my new car. I was back in town for about a week and I got pulled over then was cited. My little brother was sick and we had already pulled over for him to throw up. In my mind, I had to rush to get home because he was not going to throw up in my brand new car. Well I got caught doing 100mph in 55mph zone. *covers eyes* The lady officer was too mad and I'm convinced the only reason I did not get arrested was because I had my brothers in my car. Honestly I had no idea I was driving that fast. I mean my parents had already warned me about speeding in that car and here I was with a ticket. My parents were so PISSED because I didn't tell them until days later and they felt like I had not took heed to their warning.

Later that summer I had to face a judge because my offense was worse than normal speeding ticket plus I was under 21 so I opted to go to a higher level court. So that postponed my suspension. Fast forward to 2008, weeks before my spring break, I decided to come home for my spring break. Well the court had gone to my school's website to see when my school went on break. Then contacted my parents and were informed that I was coming home.The court scheduled the court date on the first day of my break. Persistent much? I went to court and the judge suspended my license on the spot for 6 months, 60 hours of community service, and monthly reporting to a parol officer with a monthly fee. Say whaaaaaa? I felt like a criminal.

That summer I came home, MARTA (Atlanta's beloved public transportation system) and I became best friends. I took the train and bus to get to PAWS Atlanta for my community service so I could clean up dog poop. I didn't go many places that summer because by this time, my family and I were living in the country i.e. too far from access to MARTA. It truly sucked. I couldn't wait until my 6 months was over. Luckily I was away at school for majority of the suspension but the summer sucked! Oh as SOON as I got back to Atlanta for my winter break, I was the FIRST one in the DMV to get my license reinstated. I learned a valuable lesson that driving is a PRIVILEGE and if you abuse it, your rights will be taken. 

♥ A.Erika ♥

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