Friday, March 28, 2014

Mind-shift: Me to Us

Before I got into my relationship, I was so focused on myself in every sense. Mentally, emotionally, financially, physically, spiritually. I wanted to get right for Mr. Right. I wanted to have it together before Mr. Right came into the picture. Travel a little bit, have my own place, etc. I had a plan, ok?! But when I got into this relationship I had to shift my plan from me to we. To us. At first, the shift was a little overwhelming because I was still forcing my plan but I realized that if I wanted an amazing relationship, I had to step back and evaluate what was important. I remember telling myself you can travel and have your own place but you can do that with him. Not to take away from women who want to work their plan, I just was presented with an opportunity to date a wonderful man before I could institute my plan. So if the man hasn't come, LIVE YOUR LIFE! Anyways, my plate was full and I remember on our first date, I told him that I'm so busy but I make time for what's important. Also, if he didn't want to be serious, then don't waste my time. In that same thought, I also felt like I wasn't ready for Mr. Right. I needed to handle some emotional baggage and felt like I couldn't do that with him there. But that's the beautiful thing about love. It covers insecurities and imperfections. We sat on the bathroom floor one late night as he reassured me that I don't have to be perfect, he just wants me to give my all. Hearing him say that, let me know of his expectations of me. To be honest, it was a big sigh of relief because he accepted me flaws and all. And that we were in this TOGETHER. So my mind shifted and it's been a blessing. 

♥ A.Erika ♥

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