Thursday, March 27, 2014

Run Your Race

In the world of sharing on social media, it's easy to develop a sense of less than because you begin to compare yourself to what others post. Highlight reels vs behind the scenes. You see the trips, the new shoes, the *insert examples of good life* and you think your life sucks. Trust me we've all done it. The beauty of social media is that you are entitled to post whatever you want: good, bad, or indifferent. It has given everyone a platform even those who don't need one. Social media posts do not paint the entire picture. It's a snapshot. You have to remember your journey is your journey and their journey is theirs. There's no need to compare because honestly there is no comparison. Comparison is thief of joy. God created one of you so no need to try to be like someone. That person is already taken. I heard a pastor draw a parallel from running track to life. When runners begin a race, they are different lanes of the track. But once the race starts, the runners are focused on their lanes, you don't the runners looking beside them to see what the other runners are doing. If they do, they slow down. That's how life is. The moment you compare your life to someone else', your life loses its essence and beauty. It's not worth it. Someone is waiting on you and counting on you to fulfill your purpose. Don't waste your time comparing and losing sense of your purpose. You deserve better than that.

♥ A.Erika ♥

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