Monday, April 7, 2014

becoming a risk taker.

I'm learning to be a risk taker. Especially when taking chances on myself. I guess I'm nervous to make a mistake or be wrong or look foolish. I'm learning not to be afraid of being wrong and not trying. Something as simple doing the nae nae at a stop light made me clam up and for the life of me, I couldn't do it. I looked at that and said to myself girllllllll you got some work to do. Lol. I'm going to put 'take a risk' on my to-do list every week. I already asked babes to force me to take more risks. I would say I'm 1-1 for now. But I'm working on more wins for risk taking. Every day I get a reminder: Without God I am NOTHING. With God, I can do ALL things because He strengthens me. Maybe I need to bombard my cube with that message too.

♥ A.Erika ♥

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