Monday, April 14, 2014


I love surprising people but I don't like being surprised. I mean I usually like what I get after the surprise but I like to know EVERYTHING. I try not to miss a peep. So when my fiancé talked to my friends about proposing, the first thing ALL of my friends said was you know she's nosy right. I'm not talking about the surprise proposal this post. Lol. My fiancé decided to surprise me with tickets to see the Hawks vs Heat game Saturday night. I hadn't been to NBA game in a while but it was nice to do something out of our norm. I actually thought we were going to the museum. I guessed and he led me to believe I was correct. So I'm talking all this junk to my family about how I guessed the surprise but when we pulled up to Phillips Arena, I was shocked. He got me! I really think he gets great pleasure in giving me surprises. I was rooting for the Heat and he was secretly rooting for the Hawks. He doesn't like Lebron, he's a Kobe fan. We argue endlessly on why Kobe's career is done. He's such a loyal fan, it's cute! HA! The seats were really good and we were sitting amongst other Heat fans so I was in good company until the Heat lost. They weren't playing with any zeal which is understandable since they have already secured a playoff spot. The Hawks on the other hand, had much more to prove. They had to win this game in order to go to the playoffs. I have to say the Hawks played extremely well. But I see it as the Heat did the Hawks a favor. I talk so much junk. Lol. Pizza at Nancy's was the perfect night cap. It was delicious! Good day indeed!

♥ A.Erika ♥

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