Tuesday, April 15, 2014

First Decade

One of my good friends' mom and her colleague started a group called First Decade. The group is for young professionals in the first decade of their career learning how to navigate their professional and personal goals. It's a great little family we've formed and we look forward to seeing people one a month. I love the informal style of the meetings. It allows each attendee to feel comfortable to express their challenges and victories in their jobs. It's sort of like a support group for recent graduates. I enjoy the times we have together! After every meeting, I leave with a reminder that my career is my own and I must take charge of it and direct it where I want it to go. Tonight was our April meeting and we talked about grad school. The discussion was informative and I left considering grad school. We'll see if that consideration turns into reality. Lol. If you know anyone in Atlanta that could benefit from a group like this, hit me up! They won't regret attending!

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♥ A.Erika ♥

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