Wednesday, April 9, 2014

If You Told Me A Year Ago...

If you told me a year ago that I would be engaged, I would have laughed. Then probably looked at you like you were crazy. I would've told you that I'm not ready for all that. This time last year, I was fully immersed in my campaign and preparing for my 25th birthday celebration. I didn't expect to fall in love. I didn't expect to meet a guy that would change my perspective on what truly means to love. I had this plan. Y'all know me. I'm always doing something and finding something to do. Google and I have a STRONG relationship! Lol. But they say, when you plan, God laughs. I know He was laughing hysterically with me. I am a witness that God's plan SUPERCEDES any plan you may have for yourself. I mean when I sit back and think of where I am, I'm overwhelmed with emotion to how blessed I am. I found this quote and it's so true.
“If you don't leave room for the unexpected to express itself in your life, you close yourself off from the possibility of miracles.”
I believe God wants to do miracles in our lives but we/ our plans get in the way. He appreciates your hard work but sometimes we need to allow God to do His thing. I'm working on doing my part and letting God do His. I've applied this "leaving room" principle to my schedule and it has allowed me some great experiences. It also gives me the flexibility to do something I want vs something I'm obligated to. And that flexibility is priceless.

♥ A.Erika ♥

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