Tuesday, December 29, 2009

my 2009 wrap-up

As this interesting year of 2009 comes to end, I thought I would do my wrap-up of 2009. In this year, I learned...
  • GREAT friends are hard to come by but I am so thankful of the friends I have in my life. Some have gone away, the TRUE ones have stayed, some have become closer. They truly have kept me sane through this year and made this year so memorable. Friends are so important to me and have become like family. People think they are in my inner circle but they arent even close.
  • Forgiveness is a necessity. I have learned that being able to forgive somebody who wronged you will allow you to move on in your life, giving you peace in your life. After all, if the Lord can forgive me for all my transgression, who am I not forgive?
  • I need closure in my life. Or I will continue to worry about it. I had a lot of open ends in 2009 and I'm glad that they are now closed so I can move forth in 2010.
  • You have to give people a chance. Sometimes I can be closed minded and I just wont give people a chance. I think its because im an introvert. Having conversations with certain people made me realize that we all dont give people a chance and you never know what you can learn from people. Just because a person looks/act different doesnt mean they can add value to your life.
  • INFJ. Introverted. Intuition. Feeling. Judging.
  • Guys come and go. Not gonna say I havent totally given up on them but I'm done with them for awhile. I'm chllin.
  • Love is what keeps me going. And it mainly comes from my parents and my brothers. They are my biggest supporters. I love them soooo much! They give me the confidence I have and support all my antics even my crazy ones.
2009 was not the best year but not worst either. Making my plans for 2010 NOW. Speaking of, I need to get my materials for my vision board. A vision board is an artistic way of displaying one's vision for the year. Trying something new for the new year. Im excited for 2010. I feel some good things coming my way and make some changes for a better life. See ya in the new year!!

♥ A.Erika ♥

Thursday, December 10, 2009

tunnel vision

These past 2 weeks have been kicking my ass! I have 2 tests, 1 project, and a presentation due tomorrow. So you only imagine how the rest of my week has been. Total of probally 10 hours for the entire week. But i can almost see the light. Tomorrow at 4pm!

♥ A.Erika ♥

Thursday, November 26, 2009


My support system has been the best these last couple of weeks. I never really questioned the love and support of my family because I knew it was always there but the love from my friends has really surprised me lately. I had a really big interview last weekend and the amount of support I received from not only my fam but also friends really made me realize how blessed I am for the people I have surrounded myself with. And I am SOOOOOO thankful for them.

As usual, I am in the NYC for the break. As awesome as NYC is, I am starting to think this place is not for me. Driving is a hassle with all the traffic and not mention everytime I come here, something always happens to my car. :-( [Currently recovering from a minor case of whiplash]. I always have a good time but I dont think this place is for me. I am just ready to eat some good food and get some rest so I can finish this semester strong. Hopefully I'll get to see my RPI peeps before I leave.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Thursday, November 5, 2009

no tricks...all treats! lol

Halloween 2009 was a blast! My friend who is on co-op in St. Louis came back and partied for the weekend. I kicked off Halloween weekend with Night of Free Expression in celebration of Black Awareness Week [BAW]. BAW helps to expose black culture to the RPI community and abroad. It is also considered the preview for Black History Month. Our theme for BAW 2009 was Retro Magic. Night of Free Expression is closing ceremonies for BAW where we have members "freely express" themselves through any artform. We also bring in a poet to perform as well but this year, we tried something a little different by bringing a musical artist to perform, Mr Jesse Boykins III. It was quite awesome. He was SANGING and the band was great. Here he is with the eboard. :-).
Then I went out for some pre-Halloween festivities. Friday, I went to THE party at the PCC. I went last year when my sis came to visit and it was POPPIN. So this year I expected the same and it was good but not as GREAT as last years. Last year, the DJ played this stint of old school reggae [the reggae that I grew up like Buju, Lady Saw, Sanchez] and that made the party for me. This year he played alot of hip hop which was cool. Got to stanky leg, my dougie except not swag surfin. Just a tad bit disappointed. But it was a great night with my crew! I was a french maid. hehe.
I dont know who I think I am but I went out Saturday night as well. I went to Union for another party. This time, just my boys and my roomie. Me and the roomie represented the different decades, me as 80s dancer and 50s pinup girl for her. I must say we looked great!Finally got to swag surf. LOL. But totally missed my anthem for my senior year: WASTED. Not that i'm implying anything but I just like the song. LOL. But all in all, it was a WIN. One of the best weekends in a while and Im happy because I cant go out anymore because I have a lot of work to do until Dec.11.

P.S. In honor of Halloween, here's a little poster I did for my information design class.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Friday, October 23, 2009


So officially hate MIDTERMS. Maybe because they sucked for this semester. I got sick last week and was out of commission for like 3 days, throwing my whole study schedule off and resulting in me not doing well on my tests. It was a wake up call and I needed to start grinding out this work. So grind mode is in full effect. Plus, mama lindo is coming today for family weekend. And I know she will give me the inspiration I need to get through the rest of the semester. Trying to keep hope alive!!

On a lighter note, I scheduled my final interview with the company I really want to work for. And I need to call the travel agent to get my travel itinerary since they are flying me out to DC. This is so exciting for me! I hope it all works out. I want a skirt suit for the interview so we're going shopping this weekend. :-) A lil retail therapy doesnt hurt. I also have an appointment for senior portraits on Monday. It's crazy how fast this year is moving.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Monday, October 12, 2009

Still Recovering....

So these last 2 weeks have been so busy. Its been one crazy day after the other. Last week and weekend my life was consumed by Career Fair. Not just any Career Fair but the NSBE/SHPE Career Fair, the LARGEST student-run career fair in the nation. Not to mention it was alumni weekend so all, well most of my closest friends came to visit. Needless to say it was a fun-filled weekend. Got a couple interviews while enjoying time with my friends. Couldnt have asked for a better weekend. Here's the staff at the Corporate Reception in blue polos! Fresh...big ups to A-team! ;-)

Of course I had no recovery time. And then my body decided to malfunction so I caught a cold. After all, life must not stop as a result of Career Fair and sickness.

A Monday interview with a company that shall remain nameless didnt go to well putting a damper on my week plus preparation for group presentations and projects which were all due on Friday plus an interview with a company I really want to work for plus a malfunctioning body equals STRESSFUL week and fast recovery with a VERY PROMISING opportunity with the company I really wanna work for and midterm break.

So truly I cant really complain because this is how senior year is supposed to be: stressful, exciting, promising, and all the emotions in between.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Saturday, September 26, 2009

omg! he waved at me....

Yes President Obama waved at me. LOL. Its been such a busy week that I haven't time to post this momentual occasion but I saw President Obama on Monday. He came to Troy. For a president to come such a small town such as Troy, is big within itself not mention the first black president. So my roomie and I skipped class, and headed to Hudson Valley to the Mr.President Obama.

We got there around 10:30am, one hour before he was supposed to speak. I almost slapped one of the Wendy's managers, saying he would tow my car if we parked in the parking lot. I gladly moved my car without making a fuss because there was nothing that was gonna get in my way seeing MY president. We waited and then the motorcade sped past the crowd. *screams* I only saw his profile and that was good enough for me. But it gets better.

Me and the roomie tried to blend in with the other students and find where the speech would telecasted from. We found this nice older lady who directed us to the student center and we watched the speech in the auditorium. Even though I was jealous that he didnt come to RPI seeing that the president of my fine higher institute of higher learning is on his advisory staff and not to mention he butchered the name Rensselaer.*I digress* He made several points about the importance of education, whether its a PHD or its an associate degree. My favorite line from his speech was "result of hard work, discipline, sacrifice & ambition that served a common purpose...leadersip isn't inheritance, its a responsibility"

After the speech was finished, me and roomie ran to back to the street to see President Obama off. When his motorcade passed this time, it was going about 20 miles slowly so then the moment happened... I SAW HIM WAVED AND SMILE. It was so awesome. Even if I dont get to meet him, just seeing him so close made me happy. [I actually got it on video but i was so excited that u only see him for a brief second. LOL.] But it was an awesome day and has made my senior year so far.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Thursday, September 17, 2009

empire state of mind

these streets will make you feel brand new,
the lights will inspire you,
lets here it for New York, New York, New Yorkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

That is my favorite song off of Jay-z new album, Blueprint III. I'll have to say its one of my favorite Jay-z album, only second to American Gangster. I never knew how much I liked Jay-z music until I watched his concert on Friday at Madison Square Garden. It was streaming live from Fuse and I thoroughly enjoyed it. You've thought I was in Madison Square Garden. LOL.

Another reason why I like the album because of the album art. I LOVE the album cover. One of the best designed album covers I have seen in a long time. I thought it was designed using Adobe Photoshop, thinking whomever used Photoshop to create this is a BEAST. Yet while looking at one of my favorite design blogs, kiss my black ads, it was actually a photoshoot to create the awesomeness of that cover. Dont believe me. See the video for yourself....

♥ A.Erika ♥

Thursday, September 10, 2009

21 years of timeless love

Today on my 21st post, my parents celebrate 21 years of marriage [what a coincidence]. It amazes me how they still love each other after 21 years. For some reason, the thought of marriage kinda scares me and not to mention having a baby, I am petrified. I definitely want to find THAT man that I spend my whole life with, be the father of my children, etc. but at this point in my life, I am not ready for that type of commitment. Recently I have seen alot of my classmates from high school getting married. Although I am happy for them, I feel like they havent lived life enough to make that type of decision. But who am I to judge? I just know I want to marry once, knowing that this is man God has placed on this earth for me. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad, you guys are GREAT. Though all the ups and downs, you guys keep it together and I admire you both for that. I bet those haters are still wondering how you are still together. Well keep them pondering on it and stay strong. Love you guys mucho!!

♥ A.Erika ♥

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

labor day weekend: saratoga springs style

So I spent my labor weekend exploring something new: Saratoga Springs. About 25 min from campus, I had never really thought to go but I was in the mood for Chipotle and decided to take a trip. I'm so glad I did because its beautiful. And I ended up not even getting Chipotle. Lol. It's the epitome of what college town should be: boutiques, restaurants/bars, friendly atmosphere, art galleries, bookstores, bakeries, etc. I finally have some options for formal dresses. Another place to spend money for retail therapy :-). I wish Troy could compare but it does not.

Saratoga is known for its horse racing history. Its big summer pastime for the Capital Region that bring families together for the summer season. They had displays of painted horses all over Broadway, which is the major street that runs through the heart of downtown Saratoga. This was my favorite.

While there, me and the roomie [shes great btw. i was a lil nervous rooming with her and 2 other random people but its going well so far.] got dinner at Contina, a small mexican restaurant. The food was excellent but the service was kinda suspect. He was nice but very absentminded. I had a chicken quesadilla and SANGRIA!! It was my second time having it and i LOVE it. i think im acquiring a taste for wine but only if its sangria though. One of my roomies worked at a winery this summer and says PEACH sangria is speciality. Now you know imma imported Georgia peach so i definitely have to try it. We are supposed to have a dinner party soon and I will make sure that will be on the menu. But that wont be the last time Saratoga sees my face. Another trip coming sometime soon...another week or so. LOL.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Thursday, September 3, 2009

senior status

so im officially a SENIOR [May 29,2010 im out this biotch] in college. I've had 2 full days of class and I have to say I kinda like the courses I'm taking. Yet this is gonna be a tough year dealing with my senior coursework [which entails BOTH my EMAC and Management thesis/capstone], presidency of 1.5 organizations, being a RA, searching for full-time employment, applying to grad school, preparation for graduation and if theres any time left, enjoy being a SENIOR. So I really have a full plate but I am ready to take it on headfirst, only with much PRAYER and encouragement from those I love. Its gonna be an interesting/fun/ long ride until Graduation 2010. But on May 29, 2010, to hear my name being called, walking across the stage to get my degree [after shaking Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson and the rest of the Cabinet's hands], it will ALL be worth it. So here we goooooooooooooooooo.....

♥ A.Erika ♥

Thursday, August 27, 2009

ms. keri baby....

So I really like Keri Hilson. As a artist, both singer and writer, and as a person. Not that i've met her or anything but i do follow her on twitter and seems like a down to earth person. Another reason I like her because she reps Decatur [Zonneee 6!!!]. So when I saw her on the cover of Complex Magazine via Grids, I was impressed [and will be getting my copy very soon]. Mixing my love of communication design and magazines with Keri Hilson seemed the perfect match. To understand my sentiments, see below....

♥ A.Erika ♥

Monday, August 24, 2009

out of many, one people

Im back again. I said I was gonna do better about blogging but I've been hella busy with getting ready for senior year and vacation. So speaking of vacation, I went back to my roots aka JAMAICA. I ate sooooooo much food.
I didnt get to go to the beach as often as i wouldve liked. But I still enjoyed myself. Learning about your own culture is so important. How can you truly know yourself without knowing about where your roots are? So while on the island i felt like a reporter. Taking pics and videos with a notepad in hand.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

baby imma star....

"I dont wanna stop until I reach the top...."

Oh that song brings back so many memories....my days as a dancer with MSD. Ahhh i miss my dancing days....

Enough reminiscing, I want this....
It's star necklace reminding of my favorite video game, Super Mario Bros. I peeped this necklace at Fly, my favorite art/design blogs to visit. This necklace and many other accessories can purchased at Mock Couture.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Saturday, July 25, 2009

summer plans updates [2]

So here are some of the pictures I have been promising. [My camera finally came and I LOVE it!] These are the official 2009 NSBE/SHPE Career Fair brochures that were sent to corporate companies. Designed by yours truly. Comments, suggestions, opinions are encouraged and valued.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Friday, July 24, 2009

a little humor for the day....

I saw this via NecoleBitchie.com, one of my new favorite blogs. It starts off as a normal wedding dance but turns into a little show. It's too cute. I love seeing black couples in love. Enjoy!!

♥ A.Erika ♥

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

summer plans updates [1]

So its been awhile since I've posted but all is well. Just wanted to give an update on my summer plans.

1. Roadtrip: I haven't done too much traveling since I have been working alot. I have been to NYC quite a bit. I kinda wanna go one more time before I go on my biggest roadtrip of the summer....JAMAICA. Yep and I'm sooooo excited because I haven't been in like 10 years.

2. Leisure Reading: Finally finished Steve Harvey's book. He's so on point with everything and it gets A.Erika's stamp of approval. I'm currently reading: Get Yours! The Girlfriends' Guide to Having Everything You Ever Dreamed of and More. It's written by one of my career inspiration, Ms. Amy Dubois Barnett. She's pretty darn amazing, becoming the first African-American woman to be editor of major mainstream magazine.

3. Assembling my portfolio: I finished my resume and Career Fair brochures. Now I'm working on a newspaper ad and revisions for an autism campaign poster series. Pictures coming soon....since my NEW camera is coming this week. :-)

4. Photoshoot: Scheduling it for next week. Should be a good time. I still need to create a theme/ schedule for it so it can be organized.

5. Blogging: I am definitely slacking on that...3 weeks ago I had my last posting. But I'm back...I promise

Other random plans I didn't mention:

- Working out: I have a steady workout regimen. I have lost about 8 lbs, down to size 6 [dress size], AND can run a mile in 10 miles. I am sticking with it even when I feel discouraged and I'm liking the result.

- Learning about myself: I am always trying to improve my core. This summer I've realized that I do not anybody in order for me to be happy. I thought I would my life would be different with me ending my friendship with my so-called best friend. It is different, in that, I am able to enjoy being by myself and get to know so many people. I am much happier without her being my friend. My mom called it, knowing we wouldn't be friends for a long time and I didn't even believe her but she was right.

Its been a pretty productive summer thus far. I cant believe I have about 3 weeks before everything starts. I am definitely enjoying this summer and looking forward to what happens the next couple weeks.

my final ode to mj

I find it quite interesting when people say u, other people, the media, etc are making a deal about MJ's passing. Comparing it to other deaths saying how the public's reaction isn't the same other influential musical icons such Sinatra, Elvis, John Lennon, etc. First of all, this man is probably the best entertainer of all time. So I think the attention from the media, which hasn't always been good, is just for somebody of his magnitude. He is nowhere near Jesus but he was damn good at his craft.
Second of all, to address the displeasure of people's FB status updates/tweets on MJ's passing. Most of those musical icons died when Facebook, Twitter, and all the other social networking sites were nonexistent. So who's to say that if these sites were available, the public outcry would've been the same.

Again I say rest in peace, MJ.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

aesthetically pleasing [1]

I love all aspects of arts....dance, music, visual arts, etc. Kinda why I'm a senior design student. LOL. I am starting a segment displaying art/ visually appealing pieces called Aesthetically Pleasing. So I found a couple pieces that are aesthetically pleasing.

First is artwork by Dawn Okoro, a 2002 graduate of University of Texas at Austin [GO LONGHORNS! :-D] and a recent graduate of Thurgood Marshall School of Law.

I really like this one! Every woman knows having at least ONE of these bags is important in their wardrobe.This next piece is kinda Harlem Renaissance-esque. With the jazz age and the speakeasies. Gracious....I love that period!

To view more of her work, visit www.dawnokoro.com

Second is the animation of post done by a design student. It is pretty cool....animation isnt my thing. Just sticking to graphic design.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Sunday, June 28, 2009

life is not promised...

This weekend was an enlightening one for me! I drove down to the city to see my mom visiting from Atlanta. As I'm waiting for to come, I check Ubertwitter seeing that the King of Pop, Mr. Michael Jackson, was not doing well. I didnt really think anything of it cuz I figured he would get better. Then one of good friends called me and told me he was dead. I was shocked....eventually the news was confirmed and Michael Jackson had passed at age 50. I think I'm in a state of shock...thinking that this is a publicity stunt but after seeing the gurney covered with the white sheet, the reality began to set in. It disturbed me so much that some of the media were focusing on all the negativity and not highlighting his INTERNATIONAL success. Probably the most acclaimed musical artist of this generation. Some people probably envy his success but when I actually think about it, he gave his personal life to the WORLD. He could not go out in public without paparazzi following him or fans asking for pictures, autographs, etc. I commend him for being so humble...some of these newer artists need to take a page out of his book because some will never receive the praise or success Michael did. So to Mr. King of Pop. Rest In Peace. Thank you for being so selfless, giving us classic after classic. Breaking color barriers and allowing the world to accept African-American musical artists. And for that, I am grateful. I hope you have found peace.

I also had to deal with my aunt in rehab. She's doing really well...I am proud of the progress she is making. We actually got her a day pass and took her out. It was fun, just like old times before she got sick. It was just hard seeing my aunt like that cuz shes always on the move. I also saw my uncle who had knee surgery. He looks GREAT!! 30 pounds in 6 weeks! I was like uncle you have lost weight...he doesnt look sickly though...it fits him.

Seeing all this made me realize that life is not a guarantee so cherish it. Take advantage of all the opportunities that come your way and embrace them because you never know where they will lead. I been kinda timid of all these responsibilities but I have to step up to the plate especially if I want to change and progress. So I'm "starting with [wo]man in the mirror...if I wanna make the world a better place, taking a look at myself and making a change..."

♥ A.Erika ♥

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

hey tweeps!

So I am in love with Twitter. I think its because it allows me [and others] to express how they feel about their life, sometimes getting responses from followers in agreement and/or disagreement. It also provides another way for people to communicate. You can tweet from anywhere as long as you have a computer with internet access or a phone that has internet capabilities. There are even various Twitter applications for phones. Time Magazine recently wrote an article discussing how Twitter will change the way we live. One part of the article really stood out to me, the writer stating how other countries have surpassed America in innovation yet we have developed sites such Google, America Online, Wikipedia, Facebook, and now Twitter. These sites allow people to connect with the touch of a button. I never really thought about it like that but America is doing a great way of keep the world connected.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

whos got standards??

I love listening to V-103 online while I am at school. The radio DJs on this station are hilarious and very informative. It also makes me feel like I'm at home....kinda. I was listening to them yesterday and they were discussing dating "down" and why it cant work. Dating somebody who made not be at the same economic level. Thats where my problem comes. Its not about dating down...just dating in general. Guys are so different these days. What happened to the days where guys used to pursue the girls and actually make an effort to get to know them even if they do want the "cookies".

As I continued to listen, Frank-Ski listed about 5 qualities a man or woman should possess even if they may not be on your same economic level and I totally agree with.

1) CLASS [My parents always told me money doesnt buy class. So true! I see too many times people who are well off but carry themselves inappropriately. My parents instilled in me that whenever you leave the house, you representing this household. Sometimes I get lazy and dont feel like ironing so I'll change my outfit cuz I know my mom would be too mad if I came out the house looking wrinkled.]

2) ETIQUETTE [Does the person know what utensil to use at dinner or elegant restaurant? Does he know not to put his elbows on the dinner? Does he know the proper tip percentage? Does he have couth? These things and much more matter to me when I am talking to somebody. I shouldnt be embarrassed to go out with you.]

3) EXPOSURE [I always said exposure is a hell of thing. Being exposed to different cultures and environments makes you such a well-rounded person. My parents are both immigrants so they have told me to think internationally. In their words, "The world is not America." It kills me at school when the people from NYC brag about being from New York and claim its the best city but have not taken advantage of all the city has to offer. Never been to Upper East Side, or out of their borough, for that matter. They dont know about any other culture but their own. With New York City being the melting pot of so MANY cultures, they shouldnt be any excuses.]

4) OPEN-MINDEDNESS [I think this goes hand in hand with exposure. If you are scared to try new things, then it will limit you exposure. Do things that are out of the norm for you.....try outdoor activities, go to cultural shows and/or festivals, try different cuisines. It creates spice for your life and its something you can say you have tried. As my friends say, "Dont knock it until you try it."]

5) BEING LITERATE [Can you hold a conversation about current events? Do you read books, magazines, blogs, moreover do you even read? People always comment that I'm always reading blogs but it keeps me informed about what's going on in the world. Also, when you are at different social events, current events become topics of discussions and you and your mate should be able to have an educated opinion.]

These, along with others, are what qualities I would like my mate to possess. A girl's gotta have standards so these knucklehead boys dont try to step me with their nonsense. Even if they try, I will kindly turn them down with class and couth.

♥ A.Erika ♥

Thursday, June 11, 2009

can't settle for just a little bit of sky

That has been my inspiration for the last couple weeks. Working hard to be that philanthropic socialite [who dress like Sarah Jessica and live like princess Diana....kudos to Drake]I dream to be. :-)

I met with a professor earlier this week to discuss a project she would like me to work on. I walked in her office and she goes, "I have so many plans for you!" I reply, "O really? Please do tell" but me thinking what is this woman planning for me. LOL. She is really excited that I decided to take over the Graphics Club, with hopes of turning it into AIGA Student Group. So I have 2 organizations in my hands and I pray everyday for guidance and direction for these organizations, so that they may be successful. On top of that, she referred me to be the student representative of the Albany AIGA advisory board. Geezzzz!!! These roles are different for me, seeing that I am behind-the-scenes type of gal but I will embrace these opportunities because this is just my "dress rehearsal for the real world". Keeping my roots close and leaving those branches aside.

Friday, June 5, 2009

my life is in His hands!

I am back from my trips. I am exhausted...havent received good night's sleep in days. My trip to Atlanta was amazing.
[Sidebar: My dad couldnt find his digital camera so I have no pictures to document my trip. So I will definitely be buying one this summer.] Nonetheless, a very well-rounded trip. Thursday was the longest traveling day ever as I had THREE layovers before I actually got to Atlanta.

Friday I went to my brother's graduation and I was so proud of him. Seeing him proceed in with the rest of seniors brought tears to my eyes. He has come such a long way and words cannot express the joy I felt as he walked across the stage. :-) Later on that night, I went out with my chicas. It was so good actually dress up and go partying with my girls. I miss them.

I went to 2 dance recitals on Saturday and Sunday. It was so nice to see the babies I used to dance with grown up. I can also see them evolving into beautiful dancers and some even going off to college. I also got to see my church fam. I lucked out because this sunday was Out of the Box Sunday, which is Youth and Young Adult Sundays. They acknowledge all the graduates and performances of spoken word with mime artists and liturgical dancers. I was impressed to the teens involved....we have definitely come a long way.

I left on Monday, missing my first flight but was able to get back to Albany at my original scheduled time. While transferring there, my mom called and said my aunt had died. My aunt is my second mom...I am named after her...I have keys to her apartment. So I was devastated but something in my heart still had hope that she would be alive. And that hope prevailed and she was still living yet had a major stroke. I just thanked the Lord for His grace. Here am I with her during HS graduation.

I actually got to see her....after getting back on Monday. I drove down to the city and make sure she was ok. She was talking and joking around. I didnt know what to expect so it was kinda reassuring that she was ok. I also got to see my MarMar and Dorian. I was happy to see them and chill with them. Catch up with all the gossip. Luv those girls! And if my last 7 days havent been eventful enough, my booskie aka Xavier came up on Wednesday. It was just like old times.....great discussion and great laughs.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

hardly home....

But always reppin....so happy to be going home TOMORROW. I have not been home since January so this trip is lonnnnnnggggg overdue. I'm breaking from blogging until I return to campus as I will be busy with my brother's graduation and dance recitals and all the other activities my family has planned for me. But pictures will be taken so I will be back with updates and such!

I am not really looking forward to traveling though as I have THREE layovers before I get to Atlanta. So I fly to Detroit, Pittsburgh, and DC all before I get to my beloved Atlanta. I just hope everything works out since the weather isnt gonna be too great. But with the good Lord on my side, I will get there on time and most importantly, safe and sound. Nite nite!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

that was one heck of a shot

I'm not a big professional sports. I prefer college sports any day over pro, however, I love watching pro sports during the playoffs because I feel like that's when the athletes play with heart. Last night, I caught the last 15 minutes of the Cavaliers-Magic game, which was the best part of the game. Turk of the Magic made a clutch jumper, putting the Magic up by 2. With 1 second left, Jarad Williams inbound the ball to MR. Lebron James. James gets the ball up way behind the 3 point line and makes the shot. Like an amazing shot...I screamed and jumped out of my chair. You know what here's a video of the shot....

Isnt that a GREAT shot?? Definitely MVP STATUS! Gotta love the playoffs. As they say, where AMAZING happens. Cant wait for game 3!So I was reading an article about Lebron's shot and how its comparable to MJ's shot against the Cavs [the irony] on May 7, 1989 [my
FIRST birthday...of course GREATNESS happened on this day].Here's MJ shot...you be the judge...

Ohhh Charles Hamilton...I havent really listened to all his music but from I've heard, he's pretty good. Well apparently he's good at pissing people off too....peep the video...


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

some of this, a little bit of that

Its been one of those weeks....some of my favs graduated from RPI this weekend [still waiting on those pics], moving from one residence hall to the next, starting classes. Needless to say, its been an emotional past couple of days. But life goes on...

So I am on my daily blog check and I come across Clutch's posting on the downside of Obamamania and I am disgusted by some of the things that have been created in support of Obama. Tattoos, Chia Obamas, A SEX TOY...now thats out of hand. Its really disturbing and distasteful. People are taking his position and his accomplishment as the first African-American president as joke by creating such items. I support tshirt and other paraphernalia but these other items are unacceptable.

On a lighter note, I am one of the BIGGEST University of Texas fan you will meet. For a person that has never been to Texas, I rep for them as if it was my hometown. Well one of my favorite basketball player's from Texas is Daniel Gibson. He declared for the draft in 2006 and has been playing for the Cavaliers since then. Well he is currently dating Ms. Keyshia Cole. I knew something up when she was wearing his jersey in her latest video. [See below]

Well they have decided to come out into the public eye. Apparently
he's had a thing for her for a minute. I think they are cute together. Keyshia Cole has become refined over the last couple of years and I hope this works out for them both. So to Boobie and Keyshia...best of luck...A. Erika approved.